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         The Go Maritime career days in the aca-  Faliro. The event was attended by over 350
         demic year 2021-2022 allowed more than   students from the Merchant Marine Acade-
         1,700 Merchant Marine Academy students   mies of Epirus, the Ionian Islands, Kalymnos,
         to be informed about their responsibilities   Kymi, Oinousses, Syros, Hydra, Chios and
         and obligations during their first educa-  the Metropolitan College- Warsash Mari-
         tional trip. They also had the opportunity   time Academy, as well as executives of 24
         to discuss and submit job applications   shipping and shipping-related companies.
         to shipping companies that attended the
         events as exhibitors. All Go Maritime events   On 24 March 2022, the Go Maritime event
         are organised with the invaluable support   headed north to the Macedonia Merchant
         of the Navy Training Directorate of the Hel-  Marine Academy in Nea Michaniona. The
         lenic Ministry of Shipping and Insular Pol-  conference was attended by 330 first-
         icy, the administrative and academic staff of   year, 280 final-year students, and 16 com-
         the Merchant Marine Academies, and the   panies that participated with individual
         Eugenides Foundation.               stands.

         The 19th Go Maritime event took place on   The last Go Maritime event for the aca-
         Friday, 10 December 2021, at the Crete Mer-  demic year 2021-2022 was an important
         chant Marine Academy facilities in Souda,   milestone for as it was the first
         Chania, with over 500 students and 13 ship-  such event to be held at the Aspropyrgos
         ping companies participating.       Merchant Marine Academy. It took place
                                             on 5 May 2022 and was attended by a
         The 20th Go Maritime event took place on   total of 330 first-year students and 31   Snapshot from the Go Maritime
         12 March 2022 in the welcoming audito-  shipping company representatives.  event in the Merchant Marine
         rium of the Eugenides Foundation in Paleo                              Academy of Aspropyrgos

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