P. 138

Snapshot from the event organised in Ioannina by
          PROMOTING                                                   the 3rd Hellenic Coast Coastguard Regional Command
                                                                      to inform students of the local high schools about
                                                                      the prospects of the seafaring professions. (L-R):
          THE SEAFARING                                               Capt. Pantelis Kikeris (Merchant Marine Academy of
                                                                      Epirus), Dr. Evangelos Kyriazopoulos (Secretary
          PROFESSION                                                  General, Ministry of Shipping & Insular Policy),
                                                                      Mr Leonidas Dimitriadis Evgenidis (IMO Maritime
                                                                      Ambassador & Eugenides Foundation), Capt. Amalia
                                                                      Koulouri (Merchant Marine Academy of Epirus), Mr
                                                                      Konstantinos Kampourakis (Regional Directorate of
          With the kind collaboration of the Eugenides Foun-          Primary & Secondary Education of Epirus), Mr Dimi-
          dation, has again travelled around cities        tris Papachristos (Eugenides Foundation), Mr Ilias
          in Greece this year to promote the seafaring pro-           Bissias (Naftika Chronika & & Commodore
          fession and inform High School students about the           Evriviades Sapounas (3rd HCG Regional Command) along
                                                                      with officers of the Hellenic Coast Guard.
          prospects of a career at sea.
          The first stop was Kerkyra (16 May) and Ioannina
          (17 May), where, at the invitation of the 3rd Hellenic
          Coast Coastguard Regional Command, the Isalos.
          net team had the opportunity to participate in the
          career events entitled “The Only Road is the Sea:
          Prospects of the Maritime Profession”.

          The organisers and speakers of the career event
          organised in Alexandroupolis for the launch of
          the maritime specialisation subjects at the 4th
          Vocational High School of Alexandroupolis. (L-
          R): Capt. Achilleas Aslanidis (Maran Gas Mari-
          time Inc.), Mr Dimitris Papachristos (Eugenides
          Foundation), Mr Christos Dermentzopoulos (MP,
          Evros), Mr Vaggelis Loukipoudis (Alpha Bulkers
          Shipmanagement Inc.), Dr. Evangelos Kyriazopou-
          los (Secretary General, Ministry of Shipping &
          Insular Policy), Mr Christos Koules (Maran Gas
          Maritime Inc.), Capt. Ilias Tsepelas (Polembros
          Shipping), Mrs. Eleni Plakoti (Directorate of
          Primary and Secondary Education Evros), Capt.
          Stratos Psyrras (Harbour Master- Central Port
          Authority of Alexandroupoli), Mrs Vasiliki Ka-
          lamari (4th Vocational High School of Alexan-

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