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          Biofouling management and clean hulls gain increased recognition as means to reduced
          cost and emissions amid the introduction of green regulations such as CII and EU-ETS.

                               SHIPSHAVE ITCH KEEPS HULLS

                               CLEAN FOR FUEL SAVINGS AND

                               EMISSION REDUCTION

                                           Proactive hull cleaning is proven to be   firmed the ITCH cleaning process safe-
                                           one of the easiest and fastest routes to   guards hull integrity with minimal impact
                                           improve fuel efficiency and reduce emis-  on coatings, as even high-quality coat-
                                           sions.                            ings still require cleaning.
                                           Marine biofouling resulting from the   A comparative analysis of different hull
                                           build-up of micro-organisms, plants, and   anti-fouling strategies conducted for
                                           algae on a ship’s hull leads to increased   the IMO's GloFouling study showed that
                                           drag in the water that requires burning   regular proactive hull cleaning of a bulk
                                           more fuel to maintain speed, leaving   carrier over a five-year period resulted in
                                           more GHG emissions in its wake.   a fuel saving of 10,000 tonnes versus a
                                           This makes the hull of a vessel a battle-  do-nothing strategy, and 4,000 tonnes
                                           ground for efficiency, with IMO research   versus reactive cleaning.
                                           indicating a 0.5mm slime layer cover-  As well as reducing fuel costs, the con-
                                           ing up to 50% of a hull surface could   sequent cut in emissions also reduces
                                           increase GHG emissions by 25 - or even   exposure to the EU ETS and aids CII com-
                                           higher depending on ship type, speed,   pliance by optimising hull performance.
                                           and other parameters.             “With the ITCH, we are redefining hull
                                           Norway’s Shipshave is spearheading a   maintenance with innovative technology
                                           green revolution in hull cleaning with   to maintain clean hulls for the sake of the
                                           its unique In-Transit Cleaning of Hulls   environment, regulatory compliance, and
                                           (ITCH) solution that has been developed   efficiency,” says Shipshave’s CEO Aage
                                           to minimise the environmental footprint   Hoejmark.
                                           of vessels and capture potential fuel and
                                           emission savings.
                                           The IMO estimates hull biofouling man-
                                           agement can cut emissions by 5-25%, a
                                           figure confirmed by Shipshave’s experi-
                                           ence with shipowner clients from real-life
                                           operations with the ITCH.
                                           The semi-autonomous hull-cleaning
                                           robot, deployed by  the crew from a
                                           portable winch mounted on the fore-
          Aage Hoejmark, CEO of Shipshave  castle deck, swipes up and down the
                                           hull underwater using soft brushes to
                                           smoothly remove biofouling during a
                                           voyage and maintain hull performance
          For more information contact:    at a relatively low cost. This also saves
          Argyris Michaletos               time on port turnarounds and reduces
          Sales & Marketing Director -     off-hire deviations to carry out traditional
          Mediterranean                    hull cleaning.

                                           Furthermore, laboratory testing has con-

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