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          extensive engine test bench trials and analyt-               Methanol, a versatile and sustainable fuel
          ical assessments to evaluate the suitability of  Both        when produced from  renewables, offers
          CNSL-based FSI.100 blends in both residual and  Hapag-Lloyd   numerous  advantages  for  Bergen  medi-
          distillate fuel oils for marine applications. This  and IKEA are   um-speed engines. Its efficient combustion
          diligent approach aligns with UECC’s commit-  committed      properties reduce emissions and contribute
          ment to sustainability and responsible business  to leading   to enhanced engine performance – just one of
          practices.                              the way in           the ways Bergen Engines is working towards
          An important milestone for the maritime indus-  environmentally  a sustainable future.
          try was accomplished when the collaboration  conscious       In addition to methanol, research is under-
          resulted in the provisional acceptance of CNSL-  practices,   way for other alternative fuels for Bergen
          based FSI.100 as a 30% blend component in  setting a         Engines. Building upon its success in hydro-
          a distillate DMA marine fuel oil, cleared by  benchmark for   gen blending, the company aims to develop a
          OEM, Class, and flag Administrations for sea-  the industry.  100% hydrogen-fueled engine by the end of
          trial stages. This achievement underscores the               this year. Simultaneously, ongoing research
          importance of transparency and rigorous eval-                continues to assess the feasibility of utilising
          uation in the adoption of sustainable shipping               ammonia as a primary fuel source, further
          fuels.                                                       expanding their green solutions portfolio for
                                                                       land and marine-based applications.
          FROM MOL PLUS TO ACCELERATE THE                              HAPAG-LLOYD AND IKEA
          INDUSTRY                                                     SHIPPING
          Fleetzero Inc. announced a strategic investment              Hapag-Lloyd has entered a cooperation with
          from MOL PLUS, the venture capital division of               IKEA Supply Chain Operations to decarbon-
          MOL (Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd.) GROUP. This                  ise the Hapag-Lloyd container shipments
          partnership underlines a shared commitment to                originating from Asia, marking an important
          advancing decarbonisation and the widespread                 step towards a more sustainable maritime
          adoption of electric vessels in the marine indus-            industry.
          try.                                                         For the period March 2024 to February 2025,
          As a leader in marine battery solutions, Fleetze-            both companies have agreed to use Hap-
          ro’s mission is to decarbonise shipping without              ag-Lloyd’s highest product option for biofuels
          a green premium. The company specialises in                  “Ship Green 100”, which relies on waste- and
          creating marine battery systems with unparal-                residue-based biofuel instead of conventional
          leled energy density, affordability, and safety—             marine fuel oil. The expected result for IKEA
          key factors historically challenging marine elec-            during this period is a CO2 emission reduction
          trification. With Fleetzero’s advanced batteries,            of around 100,000 tonnes.
          developing large electric vessels capable of                 The IKEA goal is to reduce the relative GHG
          medium-to-long-distance transport is now a                   emissions from their product transportation
          reality.                                                     by 70% by 2030 and to only use zero emis-
          The investment by MOL PLUS marks a sig-                      sion heavy duty vehicles and ocean vessels
          nificant milestone for Fleetzero, enabling the               by 2040.
          company to expand its operations and impact.                 This partnership represents a significant step
          With the support of MOL PLUS, Fleetzero will                 forward in the maritime industry, where col-
          continue to develop its LeviathanTM battery                  laboration and innovation intersect to create
          system and explore integrating these systems                 a greener, more sustainable future for global
          into MOL Group’s fleet. This collaboration is                shipping. Both Hapag-Lloyd and IKEA are
          set to catalyse the industry’s transition to elec-           committed to leading the way in environmen-
          tric vessels as Fleetzero and MOL PLUS work                  tally conscious practices, setting a bench-
          together to foster partnerships and navigate                 mark for the industry.
          entry into new markets.                                      Hapag-Lloyd has launched the Ship Green
                                                                       product to offer its customers emission-re-
          METHANOL-READY NOTATION                                      duced ocean  transports. Based on bio-
          RECEIVES DNV APPROVAL                                        fuel, Hapag-Lloyd’s customers can choose
          Bergen Engines, a leading manufacturer of                    between 100%, 50% or 25% CO2e emission
          medium-speed engines and generating sets,                    avoidance. Ship Green is available for all ship-
          announced the approval of its methanol-ready                 ments, including standard, reefer, hardtop, or
          statement for marine engines by DNV.                         tank equipment.

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