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          panies worldwide. Currently, all preparations for          Yara Clean Ammonia, Azane and Fjord Base will now
          green methanol bunkering in Shanghai Port have  Ammonia    commence work with their project partners to obtain
          been completed.                         is widely          a permit from the local municipality before making a
          “Through this cooperation with SIPG, we have  recognised as   final investment decision.
          expanded our green fuel supply chain in China,  a low-emissions
          following Korea and Singapore. We will continue  shipping fuel.   NYK AND JMU FORMULATING METHOD FOR
          to strive for various efforts to find a way to go  Even though   EVALUATING SHIP PERFORMANCE IN
          green”, said an HMM official.           interest in        ACTUAL SEA CONDITIONS
                                                  ammonia as         NYK and Japan Marine United Corporation are mutu-
          YARA CLEAN AMMONIA AND AZANE            a decarbonised     ally formulating a method for estimating a ship’s
          GRANTED SAFETY PERMIT TO BUILD          shipping fuel      performance in actual seas before construction is
          WORLD’S FIRST LOW-EMISSION              is high, the       completed and recently completed verification of a
          AMMONIA BUNKERING TERMINAL              final leg          vessel’s propulsive performance in wind and wave
          The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection  of the     conditions in actual seas.
          gave their approval to the construction of the  journey, from   The two companies aim to know a vessel’s perfor-
          planned ammonia bunkering facility at Fjord  the production   mance in actual seas before the conclusion of a ship-
          Base in Florø, Norway. The permit marks a sig-  plant to the  building contract and aid in the reduction of GHG
          nificant milestone for enabling ammonia as a  vessel, has   emissions by procuring highly fuel-efficient vessels.
          safe and low-emission alternative to traditional  been missing.  In conventional shipbuilding contracts, the guar-
          shipping fuels.                                            anteed speed is set and agreed upon based on the
          Ammonia is widely recognised as a low-emis-                relationship between the ship’s speed and horse-
          sions shipping fuel. Even though interest in               power in calm waters, and the shipyard and shipping
          ammonia as a decarbonised shipping fuel is                 company mutually confirm the guaranteed speed
          high, the final leg of the journey, from the pro-          during sea trials in the final phase of construction.
          duction plant to the vessel, has been missing.             However, since actual voyages are strongly affected
          Now, Yara Clean Ammonia, Azane and Fjord Base              by waves and winds, the guaranteed performance
          have demonstrated how the planned ammonia                  in calm seas deviates significantly from the perfor-
          bunkering terminal can meet the strict safety              mance in actual seas.
          requirements of the Norwegian Directorate for              NYK and JMU introduced a clause guaranteeing ship
          Civil Protection (DSB).                                    performance in actual seas in a shipbuilding contract
          The planned terminal consists of a floating sta-           in September 2020 and have been working to verify
          tionary barge with a capacity of 1,000 cubic               performance in actual seas.
          meters, or 650 tonnes, of low-emission ammo-
          nia. The permit allows for up to 416 operations            Overview of Verification
          annually, many of these expected to be bunker-             1. NYK and JMU selected two new VLCCs designed
          ing operations for offshore supply vessels that            and built at JMU as target vessels and collected data
          regularly call at Fjord Base in Florø.                     on vessel speed, main engine horsepower, wind direc-
          The planned  terminal is part of Yara Clean                tion, wind speed, etc., for one year from the delivery
          Ammonia and Azane’s efforts to make low-emis-              of the vessels in 2022.
          sion ammonia a common fuel for shipping.                   2. In actual seas, the two companies mutually verified
          With ammonia’s potential to fully decarbonise              the degree of achievement against the guaranteed
          the maritime sector, the companies plan to roll            speed/power curve formulated in 2020. The evalua-
          out a network of terminals in Scandinavia. This            tion determined the difference between the guaran-
          milestone is important to meet the growing                 teed speed/power curve and the vessel’s data for each
          demand for ammonia as shipping fuel, as well               wind direction (headwind, crosswind, and tailwind)
          as incentives needed to enable ship operators              and calculated the average value.
          and owners to switch from high-emitting but                3. NYK and JMU confirmed that the guaranteed speed/
          cheaper fuels to the low-emission alternative of           power curve for the ship performance in actual seas
          ammonia. Demand seems to be gaining momen-                 was highly accurate. Both companies agreed to estab-
          tum in Norway as ENOVA, which manages the                  lish an analysis and evaluation method to evaluate ship
          Norwegian Climate and Energy fund on behalf                performance in actual seas technically and objectively
          of the government, is planning ammonia grant               for specific routes.
          tenders for both ammonia-powered ships and                 4. One of the two new VLCCs was built using JMU tech-
          ammonia infrastructure in 2024. There are mul-             nology to improve the shape of the vessel’s hull for better
          tiple newbuilding projects in the pipeline and             performance in actual sea conditions, and the two com-
          ongoing ammonia-powered Platform Supply                    panies confirmed a significant difference in this ship’s
          Vessels (PSV) tender processes.                            performance in actual sea conditions, as expected.

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