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          It is well understood that there is no silver-bullet solution for alternative fuels
          in shipping. Shipowners and operators know they must make their decisions based on the
          specific needs of their business. In contrast, when it comes to selecting lubricants,
          it can often be easy to focus only on elements like cost and lose sight of the longer-
          term value high-performance products can provide. Marcus Schaerer, General Manager
          Services and Technical at Shell Marine, explains why that approach can create issues
          for businesses and how Shell Marine finds the right solutions to match their unique
          needs while futureproofing their operations.

                          THE IMPORTANCE

                          OF SELECTING THE

                          RIGHT LUBRICANTS

                          (AND HOW TO MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE)

                                           ❶       Why is it such a challenge to   using cost as the main driver for their
                                                   select the ‘right’ lubricant for   decisions.
                                                   each vessel?              For example, the practice of lubricant
                                           Shipping is a hugely diverse sector,   switching (moving between Base Num-
                                           and that diversity makes finding a sil-  ber (BN) 40 and BN 100 products to
                                           ver-bullet solution for any aspect of a   address deposits in newer, more effi-
                                           vessel’s operations near impossible. I   cient engine designs) is far from ideal.
                                           doubt we’ll ever see a single solution   It can reduce onboard efficiency by
                                           that could work for every shipowner   making crews work harder to protect
                                           or operator, especially as the sector   engines. It can also cost more to pur-
                                           has changed so rapidly over the last   chase two different cylinder oils. That’s
                                           decade. New engines, new fuel types,   one potential negative impact of the
                                           and new challenges are presented by   lubrication decisions you make.
                                           the need to reduce carbon footprints.   Similarly, you could end up facing more
                                           All of these are driving a rethink of how   downtime and higher costs from addi-
                                           we approach shipping operations – and   tional maintenance if you select a lubri-
                                           the lubricants needed to keep vessels   cant that doesn’t address engine depos-
                                           running smoothly.                 its adequately.

                                           ❷       Why can shipowners and oper-  ❸  So, how can operators make
                                                   ators not afford to make the     the ‘right’ call for their vessels?
                                                   wrong call on lubrication?  I think the first step is for operators to
                                           If you make the wrong call, you’re look-  gain that understanding of the impact
          Marcus Schaerer,                 ing at using lubricants that can make   their operations have on their engines
          General Manager Services and Technical   your operations less efficient and   – and  the lubrication requirements
          at Shell Marine
                                           cost-effective in the long run. That’s   that impact can create. It is something
          talks to Giannis Theodoropoulos  why operators should be careful about   they can work closely with suppliers to

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