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                                                                      with its long-term environmental policy, “K”
                                                                      LINE Environmental Vision 2050. “K” LINE will
                                                                      start the operation of liquefied CO2 carriers for
                                                                      Northern Lights, the world’s first full-scale CCS
                                                                      project, this year. “K” LINE has established a
                                                                      special team for the management of LNG car-
                                                                      riers in “K” LINE LNG Shipping (UK) Ltd. and is
                                                                      working to ensure safe and reliable operation.
                                                                      Nippon Gas Line, the only operator specialis-
                                                                      ing in domestic LPG carriers, has accumulated
                                                                      extensive knowledge and experience in the
                                                                      operation, cargo handling, and ship manage-
                                                                      ment of pressurised gas carriers over the past
                                                                      60 years. Regarding CCS projects in particular,
                                                                      Nippon Gas Line is undertaking operation and
                                                                      ship management of a liquefied CO2 carrier and
                                                                      developing operation and cargo handling tech-
                                                                      nology for low-temperature and low-pressure
                                                                      liquefied CO2.
                                                                      “K” LINE and Nippon Gas Line are determined
                                                                      to take initiatives in liquefied CO2 shipping for
                                                                      CCS projects. This collaboration between the
                                                                      two companies will provide safe, stable, and
                                                                      high-quality liquefied CO2 seamless transpor-
                                                                      tation services by leveraging their knowledge
                                                                      and experience. Both companies will contrib-
                                                                      ute to the realisation of a carbon-neutral society
                                                                      through CO2 shipping.
                                                                      HMM SIGNS MOU WITH SHANGHAI
                                                                      INTERNATIONAL PORT GROUP ON
          JAPANESE ALLIANCE FOR THE                                   CLEAN MARINE FUEL BUNKERING
          ESTABLISHMENT OF A MARKETING                                HMM has signed a Memorandum of Under-
          COMPANY FOR LIQUIFIED CO                                    standing (MoU) with Shanghai International Port
          SHIPPING                                                    Group (SIPG) on supply cooperation of Clean
          ‘’K’’ Line and Nippon Gas Line Co., Ltd. recently           Marine fuel. This MoU will focus on bunkering
          announced the agreement to establish a mar-                 methanol and LNG at Shanghai Port. It also
          keting company for the purpose of providing                 covers supporting carbon reduction goals, pro-
          a seamless and efficient integrated liquefied               moting global shipping new energy cooperation,
          CO2 transportation service for carbon dioxide               and helping shipping energy transformation and
          capture and storage (CCS) projects over the                 sustainable development.
          boundaries.                                                 HMM has committed to achieving a Net-Zero
          The Japanese government is advancing the                    emissions target for the entire business by 2050.
          development of a business environment to ini-               To accomplish this aim, it is critical to establish
          tiate CCS projects by 2030 in its “Basic Policy             port bunkering infrastructure for clean marine
          for Realising of GX”. They plan to support the              fuel.
          research and business development to scale                  HMM is continuously expanding to develop sus-
          up the CCS value chain and, at the same time,               tainable eco supply chain networks at Shanghai
          reduce costs by introducing a hub and cluster               Port and other key ports such as Singapore and
          structure. Regarding its development, studies               Busan. HMM also signed new building con-
          have been carried out on the cross-border trans-            tracts for nine 9,000 TEU vessels powered by
          port of CO2 and the creation of an integrated               methanol and plans to operate two 7,700 TEU
          transport system with combinations of different             LNG-powered vessels by the end of this year.
          sizes of liquefied CO2 carriers.                            SIPG continues to become a front-runner in pro-
          “K” LINE Group is promoting a variety of initi-             moting the development of green and ecological
          atives to support its own low-carbon and car-               ports. Since 2022, SIPG has provided bonded
          bon-free operations and society in accordance               LNG bunkering services for many shipping com-

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