P. 193
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maintaining a leadership position in mari-
time innovation and upholding operational
excellence within the dynamic shipping
What technologies is your company implementing
to optimise its fleet? How challenging is it to inte-
grate the latest technological developments with
the human element?
Columbia harnesses AI and analyt-
ics across various operational aspects,
including ship navigation, bunkering,
engine room, and bridge operations.
These technologies enable us to enhance
safety and efficiency through advanced
weather routing, voyage planning, fuel
optimisation, and AI-driven live sensors
transmitting high-frequency data.
Integrating these latest technological
developments with the human element in
the maritime industry presents both chal-
lenges and opportunities. It requires strik-
ing a delicate balance between innovation
and the human factor to ensure safe and
efficient operations. By nurturing essen-
tial human skills such as leadership, team-
work, adaptability, and stress resilience
alongside technological advancements,
we foster a harmonious and productive
work environment on board. To facilitate
this integration, we have implemented a
state-of-the-art Learning Management ments, larger companies can enhance
System (LMS) and partnered with One- service delivery, cater to both small and
Learn Global to comprehensively educate big clients effectively, and stay compet-
our crew on fleet monitoring and the lat- itive in the evolving global shipping mar-
est shipping technologies. Additionally, ket. Additionally, the focus on individual
we leverage digital twin technology for shipowners remains paramount, ensur-
performance and fuel consumption opti- ing that, despite growth, the core values
misation, providing real-time insights and of personalised service are maintained. In
efficiencies for our vessels. essence, the strategic advantage of larger
companies lies in their ability to adapt to
Do you believe that larger companies have an market trends, embrace digital transfor-
advantage in implementing fleet optimisation mation, and provide top-notch services
strategies? to clients of all sizes.
I believe that the scale and resources of
larger companies enable them to invest in How can shipping capitalise on AI? Are there any
cutting-edge technologies like digitalisa- specific applications particularly relevant to fleet
tion, which is crucial for optimising man- optimisation?
agement, technical capabilities, and crew Shipping can capitalise on AI to revolu-
operations. By leveraging these advance- tionise fleet optimisation through vari-