P. 183

Jotun Hull Skating Solutions utilises
            proactive cleaning to combat early-
            stage fouling and maintain an always-
            clean hull,even in the most challenging
            operations. A clean hull significantly
            reduces fuel costs, greenhouse gas
            emissions, and the spread of invasive

            ❷       In what ways does Jotun con-  ensuring regulatory compliance and pro-  innovative products, solutions, and ser-
                    tribute to the sustainability of   tecting biodiversity by reducing the risk of   vices, ensuring that Jotun Hellas remains
                    shipping?                 transmigration of foreign aquatic species.   a key driver within the Greek Shipping
            The need for sustainability improvements   Protecting the current merchant fleet   market. At Jotun, we are committed to
            in the shipping industry is accelerating.   from biofouling can cut CO2 emissions   forging strong partnerships with our val-
            The industry must cut carbon emissions,   by as much as 19%! Regulations related   ued business partners and truly under-
            protect marine biodiversity, and leverage   to preventing marine aquatic species are   standing their unique needs and objec-
            data for smarter decision-making. With   getting stricter, and having a clean hull   tives.
            nearly 100 years of experience charting   will be essential for moving forward! As
            unknown waters, Jotun is committed   we’ve always been preaching, a clean hull  ❹  Looking ahead, what do you
            to continuously innovating and devel-  is an efficient hull and ensures cleaner   see as the most significant
            oping advanced products and solutions   and more efficient operations. Jotun has,   opportunity and the greatest
            designed to protect biodiversity and   since it was established in 1926, been   challenge in the shipping indus-
            cut carbon emissions to support global   committed to innovating and providing   try’s efforts toward decarbon-
            sustainability ambitions, and achieve   industry with cutting-edge products and   isation?
            cleaner operations for all industry play-  solutions.               Considering our mission and contribution
            ers. The matter of fact remains: a clean                            to green shipping, we aim to highlight the
            hull ensures cleaner operations.  ❸      What is the envisioned trajec-  challenge of the negative environmental
            In June 2023, Jotun proudly presented    tory for Jotun’s development?   impact of biofouling even more. A recent
            our Clean Shipping Commitment to the     How does it align with pros-  survey conducted by Lloyd’s List, follow-
            industry, thereby establishing a new     pects in the Greek market?   ing the GloFouling report published by
            framework as well as new documenta-  Jotun is a leader in innovation, always   the International Maritime Organisation
            tion and, for sure, new possibilities, both   developing solutions that perfectly match   (IMO), shows that most shipping indus-
            for us and our business partners. By   our business partners’ needs. As a part   try leaders underestimate the negative
            now, we all know the impact of a clean   of the Jotun family, Jotun Hellas will be   impact of biofouling. It is worth mention-
            hull, i.e. that it reduces speed loss and   at the forefront of all new developments   ing that in 2022, our customers reduced
            thereby saves fuel, reduces the vessel’s   within the marine coating industry. We   their emissions by 7.9 million tonnes of
            operational downtime, and assists in   are continuously working on developing   CO2 thanks to our antifouling solutions.

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