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                                                                     generally remembers. Lesser-known figures, his-
                                                                     torians, and politicians, such as Dimitrios Vikelas,
                                                                     Michel Bréal, and Spyridon Lambros, are brought
                                                                     into the spotlight. In their attempt to understand
                                                                     Greek sport through the study of ancient texts
                                                                     and archaeological evidence, these historians and
                                                                     scholars reinvented the Olympic Games of ancient
                                                                     Through the exhibition, visitors to the Louvre will
                                                                     have the opportunity to admire the silver cup bear-
                                                                     ing Michel Bréal’s inscription in Greek, “Olympic
                                                                     Games 1896, Marathon Trophy, Donated by Michel
                                                                     Bréal”, which aimed to link the modern Olympics
                                                                     with the Olympic Games of antiquity.
                                                                     Stavros Niarchos Foundation’s (SNF) Co-President
                                                                     Andreas Dracopoulos said: “The loan of the Spy-
                                                                     ros Louis Cup to the Louvre Museum, coinciding
                                                                     with the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games,
                                                                     reflects the ongoing commitment of the Stavros
                                                                     Niarchos Foundation (SNF) to making this unique
                                                                     historical and cultural artefact, which at the same
          Photo credit:   orandum of Cooperation by the Minister of Infra-  time symbolises the values of sportsmanship and
          Yiorgis Yerolymbos  structure and Transportation, Christos Staikouras,   fair play, accessible to an ever wider public to be
                          the President of Greek Shipowners (UGS), Melina   enjoyed—in this case to the millions of visitors that
                          Travlos, and the CEO of Ktiriakes Ypodomes S.A.,   the Museum is expected to attract, especially dur-
                          Athanasios Giannaris, on 20 December 2023.  ing the Olympic Games”.
                          Restoration work will be carried out in 33 schools
                          located in the municipalities of Trikkaia, Farkadona,  THE ONASSIS FOUNDATION SUPPORTS
                          Palamas, Volos, and Domokos based on the relevant  THE NATIONAL CAMPAIGN AGAINST
                          legislation regarding urgent project execution in  SCHOOL VIOLENCE: “STOP BULLYING.
                          civil protection emergencies.              DON’T TOLERATE BULLYING. SPEAK
                                                                     UP. YOU CAN”.
                          THE STAVROS NIARCHOS FOUNDATION            Α mindset change campaign, supported by the
                          LENDS THE SPYROS LOUIS CUP TO THE          Onassis Foundation in collaboration with the Min-
                          LOUVRE MUSEUM                              istry of Education, Religious Αffairs, and Sports,
                          The historic Spyros Louis Cup, presented to the   introduces the first digital platform for addressing                            GRC
                          winner of the first Olympic marathon at the inaugu-  school bullying.
                          ral modern Olympic Games, which was inspired and   Through the implementation of the campaign
                          designed by Michel Bréal and acquired in an auction   “STOP Bullying. Don’t tolerate bullying. Speak
                          by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) with the   up. You can”. for the new platform of the Ministry
                          goal of making it freely accessible to the public by   of Education, Religious Affairs, and Sports, the
                          putting it on display at the Stavros Niarchos Foun-  Onassis Foundation aims to foster a collective net-
                          dation Cultural Centre (SNFCC), will travel to one   work of information, understanding, and action.
                          of the world’s most prominent museums this year.   An alliance that encourages active listening and
                          From 24 April to 16 September, the Spyros Louis   collaboration, serving as a vital “shield” against
                          Cup will be at the Louvre Museum in Paris as one   violence.
                          of the centrepieces of the upcoming temporary   On Tuesday, 9 April, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mit-       PROVIDING EXCEPTIONAL INSURANCE SERVICES WORLDWIDE
                          exhibition “Olympism: Modern Invention, Ancient   sotakis visited the 3rd High School of Polichni,
                          Legacy”, organised in collaboration with the Ecole   Thessaloniki, for the presentation of the national
                          Française d’Athènes to coincide with the 2024 Paris   strategy and information campaign for the fight
                          Olympic and Paralympic Games.              against intra-school violence and bullying by the
                          According to the organisers, the exhibition “invites   Minister of Education, Kyriakos Pierrakakis; the   GREECE  |  DENMARK  | HONG KONG  |  LUXEMBOURG  |  JAPAN  |  SOUTH KOREA  |  SINGAPORE  |  SPAIN  |  TAIWAN  |  UK  |  USA
                          visitors to discover the creation of the modern   campaign was designed and implemented with
                          Olympic Games, as well as their late-19th-century   the support of the Onassis Foundation.
                          sources of visual inspiration.... and aims to high-  As part of the presentation, the president of the
                          light the role of France, and Paris in particular, far   Onassis Foundation, Anthony S. Papadimitriou,                                         REPRESENTATIVES OF THE MANAGERS: TINDALL RILEY & CO LIMITED (GREEK BRANCH) BRITANNIA
                          beyond Pierre de Coubertin, the personality history   made the  following  statement:  “The  cycle  of                                         Ionion Building, 7th Floor, Defteras Merarchias 2, Piraeus 185 35, Greece.
                                                                                                                                                                         T: +30 211 10 20 500  |


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