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a ship has to wait for days until a service engineer is
available to attend to the vessel and correct a soft-
ware malfunction. Additionally, until recently, the
industry had no performance standards for marine
equipment software. In fact, the software used for
controlling a marine boiler was similar to that used
for the control of a home appliance.
We have now reached a point where makers’ efforts
to rapidly develop their systems to increase their
competitiveness have led to a scarcity of proper
after-sales services. Support for their previous mod-
els is very low on their list of commercial priorities.
Moreover, makers do not manufacture all their
machine components themselves. They often rely
on suppliers that are not reliable and do not under-
stand the importance and urgency of rectifying
marine equipment malfunctions.
The problem has become more pronounced in
recent years, with many makers declaring a change
in their policy, stating that previous models are
obsolete, and proposing the complete replacement
of units with new models.
Some of this equipment is critical for the operation
of a ship. For instance, makers’ main engine control
systems become obsolete after just 8 or 10 years
from their installation. The cost of the control sys-
tem’s new model ranges from $25,000 to $30,000,
and its delivery takes four to five months. In addi-
tion, cables must be replaced, a service engineer rarely proposed and very expensive. Some owners
needs to attend, and a Class plan approval and new have managed to obtain a written guarantee from
sea trials are required. In the best-case scenario, makers during newbuilding project negotiations,
when the replacement is organised in advance as a ensuring that their equipment will be supported
precaution prior to the malfunction of the existing for at least a minimum period of 15 years. However,
system, the total cost, including fuel and off-hire for soon after delivery, when the time for after-sales
sea trials, exceeds $140,000-$150,000. service came, some makers came up with excuses,
MARTECMA receives complaints about makers’ such as the closure of the subcontractor’s factory
after-sales services from several members, and the and component unavailability in the market.
topic is discussed at every regular meeting. We have The issue of after-sales support is magnified as
gathered feedback and examined the existing regu- well-established makers have increased their mar-
lations; it is indeed a rather complex issue. The EU ket share, leaving few alternative options.
regulation requires that the certification of marine With the application of new technologies, it is vital
equipment as per European standards be on board that makers invest in after-sales services to tackle
and valid for a minimum of ten years after instal- the expected teething problems. The only way for-
lation. However, this requirement is not universally ward is to hire and train service engineers, design
interpreted as mandating that the maker cannot different models that use the same parts, and cre-
declare the equipment obsolete within that period. ate an optimum number of parts in stock. Owners
Instead, the obligation of makers to provide or not and ship managers should also consider the advan-
provide spare parts and service engineer support tages of fleets with sister ships and a stock of parts
is considered a commercial issue. that can be used across multiple ships. However,
I believe the severity of the matter has not been fully introducing these changes will take a long time.
realised. Despite the best efforts of ship managers, Until after-sales service improves, there are daily
obsolete systems may be impossible to maintain challenges that impose a tremendous burden on
to proper standards, which is not a purely financial companies. Managing ships at risk of being out of
issue but also a safety concern. the market due to a lack of spares and support or
Very few makers are willing to offer a fixed yearly trying to keep them running until the necessary
maintenance contract that includes equipment spare parts become available poses financial,
replacement when it becomes obsolete. This is safety, and environmental risks.