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                                       global shipping industry everything it   the Golden Safety Rules and making them
                                       needs to make a remarkable improvement   aware of their benefits, it is hoped that all
                                       in safety performance. The Golden Safety   shipping industry segments will welcome
                                       Rules target specific behaviours and risk   them and embrace them with open arms.
                                       factors that contribute to common inci-  After all, no one wants a major shipping
                                       dent types. If implemented, these rules   incident that results in fatalities and inju-
                                       can significantly impact safety outcomes.  ries, high costs, delays, and reputational
                                       The thinking behind the Golden Safety   damage for all parties involved. In addi-
                                       Rules can be traced to the oil and gas   tion, safety is increasingly being factored
                                       industry and the equivalent Life-Saving   into business decisions, and companies
                                       Rules by the International Association of   prefer to work with organisations that
                                       Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP), which have   have a strong safety record, as it benefits
                                       had a major impact on the industry, under-  their overall operational performance and
                                       scoring the effectiveness of such initia-  results.
                                       tives.                              A strong safety performance does not
                                       Together in Safety has gone  to great   translate into increased costs or higher
                                       lengths to ensure the Golden Safety Rules   expenses; in fact, the opposite is true.
                                       are clear, concise, accessible, and practical   Crucial to ensuring that an empowering
                                       without causing excessive bureaucracy or   safety culture prevails is that senior man-
                                       additional workload for seafarers. They are   agement demonstrates visible leadership,
                                       designed to be applied alongside existing   thus setting the right tone for everyone
                                       management systems and procedures and   else. That entails initiating conversations
                                       are applicable to everyone on a ship.  focused on safety and leaders connect-
                                       However, the Golden Safety Rules are only   ing with those doing the day-to-day work
                                       as good as their implementation. Posters   in order to understand their realities and
                                       and websites showing the Rules are help-  challenges and build trust. Although dif-
                                       ful, but further steps must be taken to   ficult and time-consuming, it is vital for
                                       achieve understanding and ensure their   everyone to feel comfortable enough to
                                       application. They must be introduced   speak up and to use incidents as learning
                                       from the very top of the company (i.e., the   opportunities.
                                       owner or CEO) and be consistently put into   Improving safety performance will benefit
                                       practice by everyone in the organisation if   every aspect of shipping, and, in particu-
                                       they are to prevent injuries and save lives.   lar, it will help deliver the decarbonisation
                                       Execution is everything.            and sustainability agendas. Safety is a vital
                                       By informing everyone in shipping about   component of the ‘Triple Win’!

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