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The Together in Safety Coalition is a   working in heavy weather. It is import-
                                              unique non-regulatory consortium with   ant to note that such incidents are not
                                              representation from across the entire   accidents but rather repeat events that
                                              shipping industry working as one united   could and should have been avoided. If
                                              team, which includes shipowners and   we can address these incidents effec-
                                              operators, industry organisations, and   tively, a dramatic improvement will be
                                              many  supporting entities, from  P&I   made in safety performance.
                                              insurance companies and classifica-  Together in Safety already provides
                                              tion societies to service providers. From   the shipping industry with best prac-
                                              the largest to the smallest, all these   tices for each of the 14 major incident
                                              groups have a significant role to play in   types. Shipping companies do not
                                              Together in Safety.               need to employ expensive consultants
                                              The Golden Safety Rules were devel-  or develop costly learning material, as
                                              oped following a detailed root-cause   these are all freely available for every-
                                              analysis of incidents that resulted in   one to use on the Together in Safety
                                              serious or fatal seafarer injuries, large-  website.
                                              scale asset damage, and extensive envi-  A straightforward ‘Safer in 3 Steps’
                                              ronmental pollution. These rules build   guide is also available to facilitate the
                                              on earlier work by Together in Safety   development and implementation of
                                              that identified the key strategic drivers   any shipping company’s safety pro-
                                              of Leadership, Incident Prevention, and   gramme. The steps involve assessing
                                              Wellbeing & Care.                 the situation, taking action by using
                                              Regarding Incident Prevention,  the   the Together in Safety resources, and,
                                              majority of serious incidents in shipping   finally, measuring progress. In essence,
                                              are caused by just 14 major incident   Together in Safety is the one-stop shop
                                              types, including, among others, colli-  ‘Virtual Safety Partner’ for every ship-
                                              sions, groundings, engine room fires,   ping company.
                                              mooring operations, enclosed space   Together in Safety, complemented by
                                              entry, containers lost overboard, and   the Golden Safety Rules, offers the

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