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                                    and messages only after it was over. Maritime   Seafarers are often praised for their resil-
                                    key workers deserve better. Our union mem-  ience, but when it is tested too often and
                                    bers feel that their work was not adequately   for too long, mental health issues arise. The
                                    recognised in practice and that the pandemic   deterioration of mental well-being can lead to
                                    accelerated the industry’s existing problems,   burnout and, consequently, a desire to seek
                                    with some employers taking advantage of the   alternative careers offering better work-life
                                    prevailing uncertainty.              balance.
                                    We believe that the maritime industry is at a   Unfortunately, seafarers continue to face
                                    crossroads. Most unresolved issues predating   numerous risks associated with their profes-
                                    the pandemic continue today and still cause   sion. Instances of piracy and accidents at sea
                                    great concern for the future. The pandemic   pose genuine concerns for their well-being.
                                    has exposed a systemic failure in the regu-  Fear for personal safety, coupled with a lack
                                    lation of shipping that must be addressed to   of proper support systems, can influence their
                                    avoid similar disruptive events in the future.  decision to give up the seafaring profession.
                                    As for the issue of fatigue at sea, it is worth   The post-pandemic war in Ukraine exacer-
                                    mentioning that working beyond 48 hours per   bated the crew change crisis and increased
                                    week has proven to have detrimental effects   the risks for seafarers working onboard ships
                                    on workers’ safety, health, and work-fam-  sailing in the Black Sea. At present, we are
                                    ily relationships. However, under the cur-  witnessing the Red Sea crisis together with
                                    rent legislative standards, seafarers are still   a closely related increase in opportunistic
                                    legally allowed to work for 14 hours during any   attacks by Somali pirates. This feeling of
                                    24-hour period or 72 hours in any seven-day   sailing into the unknown can lead to anxi-
                                    period.                              ety and exhaustion even amongst the most
            The realities of        Moreover, despite the incredibly long hours   experienced seafarers, further impacting their
            seafaring must be       still permitted by international regulations,   already deteriorating mental health and the
           improved to make it      the recording of rest hours is becoming a   quality of their lives on board.
           easier to convince       mere ‘paper exercise', with seafarers regu-
             young people to        larly required to work beyond the maximum  ❺  During the previous months, the
           embark on seafaring      limits. The adjustment of rest and work hours   ETF campaigned for the introduc
           careers and tackle       records, along with the systematic verification   tion of a Manifesto for “A New Deal
             the challenges         of these records to ensure their accuracy, is a   for Fair Transport". What has been
            of recruiting and       pressing need.                               the reaction of the European com-
            retaining skilled                                                    munity towards your efforts ahead
                personnel.          ❹      In recent years, many industries      of the 2024 European Elections?
                                           have increasingly begun to consider   Leading up to the EU elections in June, we are
                                           the mental health of employees. In   organising a series of interventions, events,
                                           your experience, has the European   panel debates, webinars, and workplace visits.
                                           shipping industry taken any active   Our goal is to offer politicians, union mem-
                                           steps towards promoting mental   bers, and transport workers the opportunity to
                                           health support and combating bul-  discuss and brainstorm solutions to pressing
                                           lying and harassment in the ship-  issues. Additionally, we aim to give politicians
                                           ping industry?                an inside view of the daily operations and
                                    Today, seafarers face intense pressure and   challenges of seafarers and to allow transport
                                    grapple daily with issues that have a massive   workers to interact directly with politicians.
                                    impact on their mental and physical health   We are being well-received by political groups
                                    and quality of life onboard a ship. Seafarers   at the EU Parliament and national political
                                    are among the occupational groups with the   parties that are now starting their campaign
                                    highest stress risk. During the pandemic,   efforts for the EU elections. We are calling on
                                    many seafarers’ calls to helplines were about   candidates, political parties, and citizens to
                                    burnout and suicide attempts.        join us in making transport workers a central
                                    The shipping industry’s social partners did   focus of EU policies. We are not merely advo-
                                    a lot of work through joint projects, such as   cating for change; we are actively engaging
                                    WESS and Skillsea, as well as joint initia-  with policymakers, candidates, and the public
                                    tives. Nevertheless, the existence of some   to ensure our voices are heard and to bring
                                    best practices and recommendations is   transport and its workers to the forefront of
                                    not enough. We need binding legislation to   the debate not only during the elections but
                                    address those issues.                for the years to come.

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