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ancillary costs of shipping the cargo, e.g.   in October 2023, the US Office of Financial
                 freight, insurance costs, export licences,   Control (OFAC) issued General Licence 44 (GL
                 port dues, fees for customs clearance   44), which permitted transactions relating to
                 etc. There is no definitive list of what   the Venezuelan oil and gas sectors until 18 April
                 ancillary costs are, and they will differ   2024.  This relaxation of sanctions has proved to
                 depending on whether the cargo has   be short-lived as OFAC has subsequently issued
                 been sold on a CIF or FOB basis.  To   GL 44A, which requires any transactions that
                 ensure they can satisfy this new require-  were previously permitted under GL 44  to be
                 ment, shipowners should include  terms   wound down by 31 May 2024.
                 in  charterparties and contracts of car-  The US will, no doubt continue to assess its
                 riage requiring  their counterparties   sanctions policy against Venezuela depending
                 to provide itemised price information   on local political developments, with Venezuelan
                 within a period that enables them to   elections scheduled for late July 2024. In the
                 meet the 30 days’ deadline.      meantime, shipowners have been advised by
            To reflect the tightening of the OPC regula-  IG P&I Clubs to conclude all voyages involving
            tions, BIMCO has recently published a revised   the carriage of Venezuelan oil cargoes by the 31
            version of its Russian Oil Price Cap Scheme   May 2024 wind down date.
            Clause.  Shipowners should be aware, however,    
            that the clause is only applicable to the trans-  Iran
            portation of oil or oil product cargoes and not   Iran has been subject to a variety of sanctions   The US will, no
            bunkers.                              for many years. While EU and UK sanctions have   doubt continue to
            The price cap regulations  are intended to allow   been more limited in recent years, US sanctions  assess its sanctions
            traders, shipowners, charterers and service pro-  remain very extensive, including prohibiting the   policy against
            viders to engage lawfully in the sale, purchase   carriage of any Iranian oil or oil products.  The US   Venezuela depending
            and carriage of Russian oil and oil products by   sanctions do not only apply to US entities but   on local political
            sea.  However, in reality,  they have imposed a   have extra-territorial effect.  As a consequence,   developments, with
            heavy burden on the shipping sector and insur-  ships entered with IG P&I Clubs avoid carrying  Venezuelan elections
            ers, as  they are challenging to implement, con-  Iranian oil and oil products and such trade is only   scheduled for late
            trol and enforce. The OPC regulations have also   undertaken by ships operating outside the IG.    July 2024. In the
            led to an exodus of about 800 tankers from the   Following Iran’s attack on Israel in April 2024,  meantime, shipowners
            twelve International Group P&I Clubs into other   several Iranian individuals and entities have   have been advised
            P&I insurers  who are unable to match the level   been sanctioned by both the US and UK.  There   by IG P&I Clubs
            of cover and reliability that IG Clubs can provide   have also been discussions within the US and   to conclude all
            (the so-called ‘parallel fleet’).  Furthermore, the   EU about whether further sanctions should be   voyages involving
            regulations have driven the export of Russian   imposed on Iran.  This suggests that there  could   the carriage of
            oil cargoes away from Europe and into China,   be a further tightening of Iranian sanctions in the   Venezuelan oil
            India and Turkey in particular.  To reflect this,   foreseeable future.    cargoes by the 31 May
            it is notable that in the last few weeks the US                             2024 wind down date.
            has imposed sanctions on several companies in   As the above summary indicates, sanctions
            China and Hong Kong for their alleged support   remain a fast developing area, with the poten-
            of the Russian conflict  with Ukraine.  tial to affect large parts of the shipping sector. 
            It remains to be seen how sanctions against   It also seems certain that governments and
            Russia will be further developed.  However, given   international organisations will continue to use
            that in early May the EU discussed the intro-  sanctions widely as a means of economic war-
            duction of sanctions against Russia’s Liquefied   fare.   Due to the potential negative impact of
            Natural Gas (LNG) industry, which to date has   breaching sanctions, shipowners are always
            been largely unaffected, it seems that unless   advised to conduct thorough due diligence
            Russia withdraws or scales back its invasion, yet   checks on the entire trade chain before they
            more sanctions are likely to be imposed.   engage in any trade which has  a potential sanc-
                                                  tions risk.
            For several years, to put pressure on the Ven-  The above summary update on sanctions
            ezuelan government, the US has prohibited   is for general guidance only and is not to be
            the carriage of exported or imported products   construed as a legal advice. For more detailed
            relating to the Venezuelan oil and gas sectors,   information and/or analysis of any current sanc-
            including trade with the Venezuelan state oil   tions issue, please contact your P&I Club and/
            company (PdVSA) and its affiliates.  However,   or lawyer.

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