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 Dr Alexandra Ebbinghaus,    for example, short-sea shipping. There are a lot of   do, but they will have to pay for it. But what about cus-
 General Manager for Decarbonisation,    electrification initiatives which, however, cannot be   tomers? What do they want? Are they willing to pay
 Shell Marine,
            applied in deep-sea shipping. Looking at the technol-  extra to contribute to decarbonisation? There are a lot
 in discussion with Giannis Theodoropoulos  ogy available today that can be installed on a vessel,   of things shipowners can do to reduce their fuel costs
            options include dual-fuel engines capable of running   and improve fuel consumption. On the one hand, we
            on methanol, LNG, and fuel oil. But the ability to   have low-carbon and alternative fuels like biofuels,
            use hydrogen and ammonia is not realistic yet due to   but these will be significantly more expensive than
            limitations. There are a lot of challenges associated   fossil fuels. So, who pays for this price difference? Why
            with various safety aspects, so I would say these are   should shipowners bear the extra cost? Do they have
 Ö  As a fleet operator and supplier of   future options. The longer-term challenges are how   the support of their customers? All these questions
 marine fuels, lubricants, and services,   to get low-carbon methanol at scale, how you get  need to be resolved.
 what initiatives has Shell taken to con-  low-carbon methane or LNG, and how easy it is to use   For shipowners, decarbonisation has two aspects. The
 tribute to the decarbonisation of the   liquefied hydrogen onboard.  first is getting more support from the wider maritime
 shipping industry?   Instead, we need to consider what is possible today   community, which must be willing to pay more for a
 As fuel suppliers, we have been pioneers and inno-  with the existing engines. Biofuels have great poten-  greener shipping industry. The second is a clear signal
 vators regarding LNG. We have been involved in   tial as an alternative to fossil fuels.  from the regulator that there will be a level playing
 this field for a long time, so we base our current    field. We need clear regulations that will accelerate
 initiatives on the experience Shell has gained   â  From your collaborations with many sec-  the decarbonisation of shipping and make it more
 over time. Shell was one of the first LNG opera-  tors of the shipping industry (tankers,  competitive. Nobody can afford to bear the extra cost
 tors in the 1960s, which means we have developed   bulk carriers, containerships, etc.) so far,  alone in the long term. Nobody in shipping has profit
 invaluable experience in LNG as both a cargo and   which sector do you think has more poten-  margins that allow them to say ‘’I will pay for this’’. The
 a fuel. From a fuel supplier point of view, LNG is an   tial to improve its operational efficiency   transition will be quite expensive. Shipping is one of
 important part of our business. LNG is a fossil fuel   via implementing new technologies and  the transport modes, and if shipowners charge more
 with fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Of course,   adopting new types of fuels in the short   but nobody else does, why will customers want to pay
 there are challenges ahead regarding LNG infra-  term? Do you believe shipowners are will-  more voluntarily? However, if a regulation determines
 structure as it is not available everywhere. But it   ing to make significant investments in this   that all transport modes must do it, the transition will
 follows the demand in the sense that the network   direction at this point?  be much smoother.
 is expanding. For every new fuel arising, there is   Looking at the reported EEXI data for new vessels, it’s
 always a game of ‘’chicken and egg’’. LNG has   interesting to see that the segment that consistently  ç  Do you believe the industry has all the
 undoubtedly emerged as one of the critical fuels,   excels is containerships. That means this specific   necessary technological tools to achieve
 and around 30% of new deadweight orders are   segment is doing more or finding it easier to improve   the IMO 2050 decarbonisation goals? Or
 based on LNG’s capabilities.  its efficiency. Although tankers and bulkers have tra-  will we also need a new, stricter regula-
 Regarding our chartering operations, we have   ditionally operated very well from a design point of   tory framework, such as slow steaming,
 examined an enormous amount of data to see how   view, that doesn’t mean they can’t do more. I find it   etc., to push the sector towards achieving
            striking that very few newbuilds have energy efficiency
 vessels are operated. We have also launched sev-
                                                              its environmental goals?
 WE NEED TO   eral digital services to help operators improve their   technology installed, such as air lubrication, draft trim   As I previously explained, we need a stricter regulatory
 vessels’ operational efficiency. Being both a fleet
                                                       framework for shipping to move forward. Shipping has
            optimisation etc. I think there is a considerable scope
 ACCELERATE   operator and a supplier of marine fuels allows us   for oil segments to improve. Some vessels historically   never disputed that reducing the sulphur emissions in
 to participate in the discussion. I see it because I
            had it harder to improve, but we all need to look at  marine fuels has benefits, especially for coastal com-
 EFFORTS TO   attend the International Maritime Organization. It’s   how accurate the information on energy efficiency is.   munities. But nobody was going to use low-sulphur
            The Fourth IMO GHG report was excellent. Looking
                                                       oil before 1 January 2020, the compulsory date. So,
 an entirely different discussion when representa-
 MITIGATE GLOBAL   tives of oil and gas companies sit together. There,   at the data collected by the Sea Cargo Charter, an ini-  the industry needs the constraints enforced by regu-
 the questions and viewpoints are different. In that
            tiative launched by the charterers. We are now in the
                                                       lations. The IMO ambition is to decarbonise shipping
 WARMING  way, we have the whole picture.  process of getting actual data rather than modelling   as soon as possible, and most countries support this
            data. And that helps us understand where we are in  vision. But what does that mean for the speed at which
 á  Considering the prices and medium   terms of energy efficiency improvement.  shipping is regulated? Now that short-term measures
 to long-term availability of currently                have been agreed upon, the IMO is proceeding with
 available alternative marine fuels,   ã  What are the main barriers facing the   the more intermediate and long-term measures. Part
 which one do you believe will prevail in   shipping industry today on the road to  of its initial strategy will be to revise the target. Shell
 the market?        decarbonisation, and how can it overcome   advocates for the IMO to raise the ambition level to
 We believe that a mosaic of different fuels will   them?   net-zero emissions by 2050. The necessity to combat
 prevail going forward. There is not going to be a   Why does a company decarbonise? I don’t think you   climate change becomes apparent when you look at
 Dr Alexandra Ebbinghaus shares her thoughts on the   replacement for fuel oil to a large extent. Ship-  will find anyone who doesn’t care about the envi-  the IPCC data. To mitigate/reverse global warming,
 prospects of alternative marine fuels, the chal-  ping is very diverse, composed of very different   ronment; everyone wants to do something about it.  we need to move faster. We need to see what is pos-
 lenges shipping is facing on its journey towards   segments. Each segment has very different ambi-  Shipowners are quite pragmatic regarding business   sible and set specific targets. Investments are also
 decarbonisation, and the initiatives Shell has tak-  tions. The thing is that none of these alterna-  decisions that lead to their ships’ emissions reduction.   essential; that is not a shipowner’s problem only. It is
 en in this direction.  tives is currently as competitive as fuel oil. Take,   Therefore, decarbonisation is something they want to   a challenge for all stakeholders in the supply chain.

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