P. 42


                          CHARTERERS SHOULD

                          ASSUME THEIR


                                           I would like to begin by referring to  As for now, does a good CII score neces-
                                           the debate about the EEOI and AER.   sarily mean an efficient ship? As a matter
                                           In my eyes, EEOI is nothing more than   of fact, it does not; it just shows if the
                                           a random number generator. The stud-  way the ship was operated during a spe-
                                           ies submitted to the IMO show that it   cific period was compliant with what is
                                           is three times as random as AER, which   currently being asked by the chosen CII
                                           means if you are working with AER, you   indicator. CII leads to slower speeds,
                                           have a good chance to achieve the rating   and slower speeds mean lower emis-
                                           you want using your own actions, such   sions. Speed reduction is the main tool
                                           as reducing the speed of the ship. But   an operator has in order to achieve the
                                           EEOI is so random that you cannot reach   desirable CII rating. But if it were up to
                                           a rating based on your actions. So, I do   me to improve the CII, I would take the
                                           not agree with the calls to apply EEOI to   unfairness out of the regulation instead
                                           CII and think that if that happens, we will   of changing the metric from AER to
                                           regret it in the future.          EEOI. For example, the CII is unfair to
                                           As far as charterers are concerned, they   bulk carriers. Bulk carriers have already
                                           need to assume their responsibilities. If   achieved a 40% reduction in their emis-
                                           that were to happen, then it would be   sions since 2019 compared to 2008
                                           fair of them to demand better-rated   levels, which means that they reached
                                           ships. I was part of the BIMCO Carbon   the 2030 CII target a decade earlier.
                                           Clauses Drafting Subcommittee, which   Therefore, the yearly CII reduction rates for
                                           had been working on the CII clause  bulk carriers should be amended to per-
                                           for eight months, and we left no stone  haps 0.5% per year instead of 2% per year.
                                           unturned. The clause is very fair, and the   On the other hand, containerships have
                                           fact that several charterers do not like it   achieved a relatively slight reduction in
                                           tells me that perhaps their money is not   emissions compared to 2008. For these
                                           where their mouth is. We just followed   ships, a higher than 2% annual reduction
                                           decades of established time-charter-  should be set, perhaps 4%, something
                                           party practice, in line with the most used   which for these high-speed ships is easily
                                           pro-forma time charters that recognize   doable since it may represent only a 1
                                           that the party giving the orders has a  -2 knot reduction in speed. Such speed
                                           higher responsibility than the party   reductions are unattainable, however, for
                                           that must follow them. The IMO itself  bulk carriers. That way, the overall annual
                                           has indicated to whom the regulation   CII reduction of shipping will remain at
                                           applies. It says it is an operational mea-  2% but will be distributed based on
                                           sure. Therefore, the CII is a regulation  each sector’s capabilities and its already
         Mr Panos Zachariadis’ views on the   that is primarily addressed to whoever   achieved performance toward the 40%
         CII, as expressed in              is the ship’s operator, who, in the case of   reduction target. These kinds of ineffi-
         13th Annual Capital Link Greek
         Shipping Forum.                   a time charter, is the charterer.  ciencies in the CII should be moderated.

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