P. 45





 We welcome the healthy debate regard-  It’s too early to tell, but so far, regulation
 ing clauses to help the shipping industry   has not created multiple tiers in the spot
 decarbonise. As an owner and charterer,   market, only in the time charter market
 we have an interest in helping set the most   where charterers will happily pay more
 balanced clauses possible in any new reg-  for a competitive advantage such as an
 ulation. Owning vessels is becoming an   eco-vessel or a ship fitted with a scrubber.
 increasingly complicated business, and   Under the current format, we do not think
 we want to support ship owners as much   charterers will penalise vessels with lower
 as possible through the energy transition.   scores (D or E, for example) as most of
 A fair and efficient market requires negoti-  them recognise that as long as CII uses
 ation periods to test clauses. Having com-  AER, it will be a metric that is not fit for
 pleted an average of over 4,500 shipping   purpose.
 fixtures per year over the past two years,   We believe the metric should be changed
 we believe we have established a fair and   to differentiate between laden and ballast
 balanced set of terms with most of our   legs instead of total steaming. At the same
 counterparties by now.  time, we suggest adding a provision to
 The BIMCO clause is a good attempt at   ensure that vessels waiting for discharge
 sharing the burden of upcoming carbon   because of payment delays from suppli-
 intensity or CII regulations. Conceptually   ers, for example, are not overly penalised.
 it makes sense for charterers to have some   We also need to reward market players
 minimum redelivery requirement regarding   that run vessels efficiently by minimis-
 carbon intensity as they have commercial   ing ballasts and increasing laden ratios.
 management of the vessel. But, due to the   This is the only solution to transform CII
 metric chosen by the International Mari-  into a metric that can really promote and
 time Organisation for its carbon intensity   drive good behaviour and help compa-
 assessment, charterers with high utili-  nies reduce their carbon footprint. By
 sation rates will be penalised under the  tweaking CII -- so that it focuses on EEOI
 regulation. This metric is problematic as  rather than AER -- we can easily achieve a
 it prevents charterers from taking on the   better result. In addition, we recommend
 burden of high CII scores upon redelivery.  the introduction of a clearly defined pen-  Heading towards new business frontiers and innovations while staying true to
 We are big supporters of the Energy Effi-  alty mechanism to reward vessels that
 ciency Operational Indicator (EEOI) as  have achieved higher scores and penalise   our family tradition for excellence, continuous improvement and dedication
 a metric for CII calculations, as it takes   low scores. This is needed to ensure we   to environmental sustainability and respect for our people
 into account laden and ballast states of   maintain a level playing field across the
 operation, and we disagree with critics  industry.
 who claim it is excessively volatile as a  We also realise that we need regulations
 benchmark. There is a clear logic behind   to be clear and simple for everyone; it is
 this metric. It promotes ‘good behaviour’   vital that we create an industry where it
 and avoids vessels having to take long  is not too complicated, cumbersome, and
 ballast legs to reduce their score, which   administratively burdensome for ship-
 is the big issue with using the Annual Effi-  owners to invest and operate vessels. The
 ciency Ratio (AER) as a metric. We have   most dangerous thing we can do is intro-
 been focusing on EEOI for a number of  duce more and more complex regulations,
 years now through our work with the Sea   as this will drive small and medium-sized
 Cargo Charter. And together with peers  owners away from shipping at a time when
 including Cargill, Equinor, Shell, and  we need to attract more investment, given
 by Andrea Olivi,    TOTAL, we have been focusing on EEOI  that an increasing number of vessels are   9, Fragoklissias str, 151 25 Maroussi, Greece
 Global Head of Wet Freight,    to reduce the carbon footprint of our char-  moving into the so-called shadow fleet
 Trafigura                                          Tel: 2106152300
 tering operations.  and leaving the international market.
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