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         Significant developments are taking
         place in the field of marine logistics,
         the specialized area of logistics focus-
         ing on the needs of shipowners to
         forward their spare parts around the
         world. Marinetrans (part of the GTS -
         Global Transport Solutions Group), the                                                                                                                                                        tinents, mainly focused on marine spare
         biggest provider worldwide in supply                                                                                                                                                          parts and other time-critical and com-
         chain solutions for ship owners and ship                                                                                                                                                      plex logistics.
         management companies, has acquired                                                                                                                                                            Marinetrans is the world’s largest fourth-
         Door to Deck Global Marine Logistics                                                                                                                                                          party logistics (4PL) service provider
         (D2D), an upcoming marine coordina-                                                                                                                                                           specializing in forwarding and logistics
         tion specialist in Cyprus and Greece.                                                                                                                                                         of marine spare parts. The company has
         Marinetrans already had an office in                                                                                                                                                          9 offices in central locations around the
         Athens and will gain a substantially                                                                                                                                                          globe. Marinetrans offers services in 22
         larger presence in Greece with this                                                                                                                                                           warehouses and 2,000 ports worldwide
         acquisition. The co-founders of D2D,                                                                                                                                                          through a network of dedicated partners.
         Kyriakos Tsitouridis and Michalis Theo-                                                                                                                                                       Door To Deck Global Marine Logistics
         dosiou, will be driving further business                                                                                                                                                      is a fourth-party logistics (4PL) ser-
         development of D2D, Marinetrans and                                                                                                                                                           vice provider with offices in Greece and
         GTS in the entire Mediterranean area  network and can leverage GTS’s strong                                                                               “Our clients will definitely reap the bene-  Cyprus specializing in the forwarding and
         and will become shareholders of the  IT infrastructure, project logistics exper-                                                                          fits of our companies’ joining forces. They   logistics of marine spare parts worldwide.
         GTS Group.                         tise, and innovative 5PL solutions. Kyria-                                                                             will continue to be serviced by the expe-  Since its foundation in 2017, D2D has
         John Burgstra, co-CEO of GTS, com-  kos Tsitouridis, co-founder of D2D: “With                                                                             rienced operating teams they know and  grown exponentially and now manages
         mented on the transaction: “With this  its international scale and position as a                                                                          are accustomed to while gaining access  marine logistics for a large share of the
         partnership, Marinetrans will signifi-  global market leader, Marinetrans is at                                                                           to new solutions and products. One of  Greek and Cypriot-managed merchant
         cantly expand its foothold in the Greek   the forefront of providing intelligent and                                                                      the services our customers have espe-  fleet. It is particularly characteristic that
         and Mediterranean market, enabling us   data-driven logistics solutions to ship                                                                           cially valued is our worldwide import &  D2D has consistently doubled its revenue
         to provide our Greek clients with more  owners and ship managers. By tapping                                                                              on-deck delivery service – and we think   during each year of its operation, a feat
         scale and service close to their home.  into this knowledge and international                                                                             we can use each other’s knowledge, net-  documented by the company’s inclusion
         D2D has a strong position in the Greek   network, we can provide our clients with                                                                         work, and capabilities to improve it to an   in the 7th edition of the Financial Times
         market, which they have gained through   more value-added services and interna-                                                                           even greater degree. We are very much   1000 Europe’s Fastest Growing Compa-
         superior customer service and profound   tional troubleshooters on the ground.                                                                            looking forward to meeting all our new  nies 2023. This has been accomplished
         knowledge of the Greek maritime- and  Besides that, there is an excellent fit                                                                             colleagues at GTS”.                through the company’s continuous invest-
         shipping industry. Teaming up with them   between our customer-centric company                                                                            Global Transport Solutions is the holding-  ments and excellence in customer service
         is an important strategic step for both  cultures and management teams – and                                                                              company of Marinetrans and Best Global   as well as through D2D’s proficiency in
         companies.”.                       we are sure that fit will make this combi-                                                                             Logistics, offering specialized 4PL and   organizing global import & on-board
         By joining forces, D2D gains access to   nation a success.”                                                                                               3PL international time-critical logistics   deliveries efficiently and in a cost-effec-
         an international 3PL and warehousing   Michalis Theodosiou, co-founder of D2D:                                                                            with a geographical presence on all con-  tive manner.

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