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     ADV ΜΑΙΟΣ 2012:Layout 1  3/5/2012  10:17

 Maintenance Program (PMP) based on a Condition
 Based Maintenance (CBM) approach. Equipment
 maintenance under CBM is conducted on a more
 frequent or real-time based measurement of oper-
 ational parameters rather than on rigid time inter-
 vals in traditional Planned Maintenance programs.
 ABS reviewed and awarded the PMP-CBM nota-
 tion for selected critical equipment on the Hellas
 Sparta including vibration analysis components
 and high-end infrared thermographic cameras.
 These systems complement monitoring techniques
 already onboard the Hellas Sparta including direct
 current (DC) insulation resistance measurements
 for polarization index calculations, air circuit
 breaker (ACB) tripping protection device inspec-
 tions and health status/internal resistance mea-
 surements for selected critical batteries.

 L-R: Antonis Georgantzis (Latsco Marine)   STARLINK INTO ITS SERVICE
 and Elias Kariambas (ABS)  PORTFOLIO
 Tototheo Maritime ™ has added Starlink’s new low
 to pallet, collecting accurate inventory data in  latency high-speed connectivity to its portfolio of
 three dimensions by scanning barcodes at any   services.
 height using onboard, high-resolution cameras. The   The agreement between Tototheo and Starlink was
 system requires one day of operator training. At the   finalized in December 2022, and the well-known
 same time, the electric-powered drones return to   maritime technology solutions integrator will com-
 the battery charging pad when necessary, operat-  mence deployment of the Starlink Kits within Jan-
 ing at night or the weekends and without the over-  uary 2023.
 head lighting turned on. The drones take photos of   Tototheo customers will have the maximum flexi-
 SKUs on pallets to identify inventory errors, such   bility of selecting the configuration that best suits
 as missing or misplaced pallets. Once the data is   their needs by integrating the Starlink Service
 collected, the system compares the findings with   (LEO) with Inmarsat GX (Ka-Band & L-Band), TM
 data stored in the warehouse management system   Flex (Ku-Band), Iridium (L-Band), LTE (3G/4G) and
 (WMS). Then it distils that information into criti-  terrestrial connectivity solutions.
 cal insights delivered directly to users via the user   SpaceX has launched a huge constellation of low
 dashboard. The results are cloud-based, share-  earth orbit (LEO) satellites to provide high-speed,
 able, and provide actionable warehouse data that   low-latency connectivity with speeds of up to
 offers better analytics for supply chain leaders.  350Mbps.
 “We view the Verity solution as an important dif-  “This marks a new era for maritime connectivity”,
 ferentiator to make our customers more competi-  said Tototheo co-CEO Despina Panayiotou Theo-
 tive through higher quality, faster inventory data,”   dosiou. “With a fast-expanding coverage area, the
 added Mr. Agmoni.  speeds Starlink offers will enable a leap forward in
 the integration of more effective and sustainable
 LATSCO MARINE MANAGEMENT ENTERS   maritime technologies,” she added.
 CONDITION BASED MAINTENANCE ERA  “We have always looked ahead and believed that
 Latsco Marine Management Inc received the  the future of maritime technology lies in synergies
 Preventative Maintenance Program for Condition  and integrated solutions. Therefore, we look for-
 Based Maintenance (PMP-CBM) notation from  ward to the addition of Starlink to our range of
 ABS for a pioneering project that adopts predic-  services as a further step towards enhancing the
 tive maintenance principles for equipment onboard   reliability and flexibility of choice when it comes to
 vessels.  onboard connectivity”, said Ms. Panayiotou Theo-
 Latsco’s LPG carrier Hellas Sparta will constitute a   dosiou.
 pilot vessel for the gradual transition of the fleet’s   This is a game changer and a complete solution
 maintenance schedules to a new era of condi-  for all customers who value reliability, speed, low
 tion-based programs.  latency, and security of their data links onboard
 The key element in the project is a Preventative  their vessels or shore infrastructures.

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