P. 108

Τhrough a seafarer's eyes

      HORIZON FROM                                                                                                                                    THE BRIDGE

                                                  by Capt. George Georgoulis

          MARITIME EMERGENCY AND BRIDGE –  Property – your ship, cargo, and third-party                                                                 gated. Time is key following an incident, and   of the situation should be communicated imme-
          ENGINE ROOM INTERACTION                 assets can always be replaced; hence why these                                                        further advice can, hopefully, be provided later   diately to all parties. Often, one party calls the
          Emergency response on board vessels is nor-  are priority number three.                                                                       once a situation stabilises. You should be open   other, and when they do not get an answer, they
          mally comprehensively covered by the Emer-  Remember ‘Life / Environment / Property’, or                                                      about the information shared as trust is essen-  call repeatedly. However, the other party may
          gency Guidance Manual or similar publication  LEP, when dealing with an emergency situation.                                                  tial in being a strong team; it can only ease the   be well aware of the call but simply unable to
          within the vessel’s Safety Management System.                                                                                                 flow of advice, while holding back information is   answer at the time, so repeated calls may be dis-
          An Emergency Guidance Manual will ordinarily   After an incident, the following factors will                                                  likely to be unhelpful. Remember to remain calm;   tracting. Generally, the other team will contact
          address the issue of ship/shore/management  need to be communicated clearly and concisely,                                                    shouting down the telephone or radio helps  you as soon as possible.
          interaction. However, a critical interface is often   using simple language to ensure all involved are                                        nobody. Being calm will also reinforce to others   We should be aware of time. Information should
          either overlooked or given scant attention, and  aware of what is occurring and enabling them                                                 that you are in control and hopefully provide a   be shared periodically between the two groups,
          that is the interaction between the bridge and  to provide the most appropriate support from                                                  reassuring influence at a time of confusion and  and misinformation or rumours may arise if time
          engine room teams.                      one team to another, and ensure that the most                                                         stress. It is important that messages given to the   goes by without an update. Even if there is noth-
          One must remember that, in many cases, the inci-  appropriate help can be sought from third par-                                              bridge, engine room teams, or others onboard,   ing else to say to the other team, being in regu-
          dent may not be a single event; for example, a   ties, be it port state authorities or the vessel                                             such as an emergency response team or fire  lar contact in an emergency can be reassuring.
          collision may also lead to subsequent pollution,   managers:                                                                                  party, are consistent.                   Where possible, we should provide an update on
          or a fire may involve injuries and fatalities. There-  What has happened?                                                                     One must remember that when a team, be it  when you expect more information to be avail-
          fore, be prepared for multiple scenarios.  Where has it occurred?                                                                             the bridge or the engine room team, is primar-  able, as having a rough timetable is helpful in
                                                  Why has it taken place?                                                                               ily dealing with an incident, they will be busy  such a stressful situation.
          Life – this is your first priority, as it cannot be   When did it happen?                                                                     and repeated calls from the other team asking   When a disturbing event occurs, it is natural for
          replaced.                               Who is affected?                                                                                      for updates may be unhelpful and a hindrance.  people to revert to speaking in their native lan-
          The environment is your second priority, as usu-                                                                                              Therefore, we should ensure that all communica-  guage, as this is more natural and is what they
          ally pollution incidents can only be rectified with   Initially, sufficient information needs to be pro-                                      tions are measured, necessary, and proportion-  are most comfortable with. There will almost
          time and expenditure.                   vided so that appropriate actions can be insti-                                                       ate, also bearing in mind that the deterioration   always be several nationalities on board, who will

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