P. 325
to reduce their costs that reservation Why would a shipping company How do you respond to the cur-
systems impose, invent new ways to dis- choose to book with you? What rent industry trends?
tribute their marine travel availability and differentiates you from other Definitely by making those rapid
content, the NDC. Airlines develop and similar travel companies? changes a positive externality for our
transmit their XML-based content and Our priority lies in maintaining a sole focus. people, operations and services. As
availability directly to travel agencies at We follow a family-centric approach to our a 35-year-old family business that
a lower cost and no cancelation fees for operations, which embodies a significant recently transitioned to the 2 gener-
marine travel tickets. The Antaeus team principle for us. Which embodies a sig- ation, how we provide our services will
has invested in integrating NDC content nificant principle for us. As the younger always be the competitive advantage
into our automation strategy, leading to generation, we remain receptive to learn- for us. When I say how, I really mean
reduced travel costs and higher availabil- ing from our experienced people and col- who the person behind the daily emails
ity with all airlines, including low-costs. leagues, who have been with us for over 25 and phone calls is or what online app
years. Simultaneously, they are also open we use to assist our clients in real time.
And finally, CO2 Emissions Reality. to understanding our perspective, saying For me, our people, their expertise, and
Whether your company operates tanker, yes to the direction in which the world is our generation’s vision for an automated
container and offshore vessels or cruise progressing and the new applications we human-to-human marine travel service
ships and yachts, emissions manage- have created in the last years. I would say are the drivers for growing and adapt-
ment towards a greener world plays a we have achieved a total Interconnection ing. What we want to achieve here is
crucial role. At Antaeus, we have built of Service and Technology. What's interest- bring the necessary information and
reporting applications where your organ- ing is how our company's values resonate content to our clients’ screens. We want
isation’s CO2 emisssions are uploaded for across all our team members, regardless of to do that in a fast, automated but still
easy tracking as well as fast offsetting. their location within Antaeus offices. With human-offered way as this is the only way
a centralised operation and global pres- to provide the best service that is availa-
ence in Athens, Manila, Miami, Limassol, ble all year long.
and Basel, comprising over 75 individuals, At the end, we work with one motto: On
our service embodies true 24/7 availabil- Board – On Time – Anytime – World-
ity, personalised attention, and at the end wide.
cost efficiency. The above factors set our
service apart.