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fleet. Lastly, the relatively better finan-  capacity of 230,000 tonnes, with the   establishing a new fast-track system
                cial performance of the North Amer-  new production line operated jointly   prioritising misconduct cases from
                ican region favoured the ownership   by both entities.           state attorneys general who uncover
                model. On the other hand, the higher   For years, Sinopec has been dedi-  unfair or deceptive airline practices.
                lease share displayed in other regions,   cated to advancing China’s bio-jet   Through the  partnership, the  US
                except for Africa, appears to have ena-  fuel industry development. Bio-jet   Department of  Transportation will
                bled faster fleet renewal.       fuel is categorised under SAFs pro-  provide state attorneys general with
                                                 duced from renewable resources,   access to the federal complaint data-
                SINOPEC AND TOTALENERGIES  offering up to over 50% reduction in   base and help ensure that airlines
                INK AGREEMENT FOR                CO2 emissions throughout its lifecycle   cooperate with state investigations.
                SUSTAINABLE AVIATION FUEL  compared with conventional petrole-   “Consumers deserve to be treated
                PRODUCTION                       um-based jet fuels. In 2009, Sinopec   fairly, know what they’re getting, and
                China Petroleum & Chemical Corpo-  successfully developed its bio-jet fuel   get everything they pay for when they
                ration has inked a landmark head of   production technology, securing intel-  fly,” said Colorado Attorney General
                agreement (HoA) with TotalEnergies   lectual property rights and producing   Phil  Weiser. “This agreement and
                in Beijing, embarking on a joint ven-  qualified bio-jet fuels for the first time   partnership with the DOT will allow
                ture to produce sustainable aviation   in December 2011. April 2013 marked   my office to directly serve Colorado
                fuel (SAF) from waste oils at one of   successful trial flights at Shanghai   consumers when they file complaints
                Sinopec’s refineries. The partnership   Hongqiao Airport; commercial flights   about unfair or deceptive airline busi-
                aims to achieve an annual production   between Shanghai-Beijing were con-  ness practices. It also creates a pro-
                                                 ducted in 2015; transoceanic flights   cess to ensure the DOT prioritises the
                                                 from Beijing-Chicago took place in   complaints we refer to them.
                                                 2017, making China the first Asian   The partnership – memorialised in
                                                 country and fourth globally possess-  signed Memoranda of Understanding
                                                 ing indigenous bio-jet fuel technology   (MoUs) – will ensure that state attor-
                                                 development capabilities.       neys general and the DOT’s Office of
                                                 In May 2022, China’s inaugural indus-  Aviation Consumer Protection (OACP)
                                                 trial-scale bio-jet fuel facility com-  are closely collaborating on complaints
                                                 menced pilot production at Zhenhai   involving unfair or deceptive practices
                                                 Refining & Chemicals, achieving Asia’s   by airlines. Federal law places respon-
                                                 first Global RSB biomass-based sus-  sibility for addressing airline con-
                                                 tainable  aviation fuel  certification   sumer protection matters with DOT.
                                                 later that year, followed by obtaining   While state attorneys general receive
                                                 airworthiness certificates for domesti-  consumer complaints regarding air-
                                                 cally produced large-scale bio-jet fuels   line practices, airlines are not legally
                                                 in September.                   required to respond to state AG inquir-
                                                 On the day of signing the jet fuel coop-  ies. The MoU incentivises airlines to be
                                                 eration agreement with TotalEnergies,   responsive to state attorneys general
                                                 Sinopec also signed a Memorandum   and enables the use of federal and
                                                 of Understanding with the Ministry of   state resources and expertise to pro-
                                                 Commerce of Thailand in Bangkok to   tect the rights of the flying public.
                                                 further strengthen product promotion   Through this partnership, DOT and
                                                 and market expansion collaborations.  state attorneys general will work
                                                                                 together to:
                                                 US DEPARTMENT OF                    •   Investigate airline complaints
                                                 TRANSPORTATION TO SUPPORT               for unfair or deceptive prac-
                                                 PASSENGER RIGHTS                        tices
                                                 US  Transportation Secretary Pete   •   Ensure airlines cooperate
                                                 Buttigieg announced the launch of       with state investigations
                                                 the bipartisan Airline Passenger Pro-  •   Create a fast-track action
                                                 tection Partnership with 18 state       system to prioritise miscon-
                                                 attorneys general to investigate air-   duct case referrals
                                                 lines and ticket agents and hold them   •   Share  access to the  con-
                                                 accountable when they violate avia-     sumer complaint database
                                                 tion consumer protection laws. The   The new partnership will greatly
                                                 partnership significantly expands the   improve DOT’s capacity to protect
                                                 Department’s oversight capacity by   airline passengers.

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