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            NEW TRENDS

                                                   What are the current trends in   departments, while human travel agents’
                                                   the marine travel industry?  expertise gives solutions to the most dif-
                                           I would say  there are four important   ficult situations where availability is low,
                                           trends.                           visa restrictions are on place and/or time
                                           Firstly, there is a trend towards Intercon-  differences do not allow “normal” oper-
                                           nection of Service & Technology.  ating conditions. At Antaeus, we invest
                                           Today, more than ever before, technol-  in both. Initially, by training our people to
                                           ogy provides operational and cost-effec-  understand the new trends of the airline
                                           tive solutions to the crew travel industry.   industry and how their content distribu-
                                           Our developing team and partners, with   tion changes and operates. And secondly,
                                           valuable feedback from our year-long   by automating the processes between
                                           clients in the maritime sector, have cre-  crew departments and travel agencies
                                           ated desktop and mobile applications   to achieve the most efficient outcome –
                                           that provide cost-effective and seam-  stress free and low-cost operations for
                                           less online solutions making our 24/7   both.
                                           service unique and the easiest to reach.
                                           Connecting our tools with any crew soft-  Then, we have the changes in airline dis-
                                           ware available can lead to holistic crew &   tribution, the so-called New Distribution
                                           travel management efficiency.     Capability (NDC).
                                                                             For over 15 years, the industry has been
                                           Secondly how to find the Lowest Fare.  operating with the same 3-way struc-
                                           For  me,  the  best  available  fares  that   ture. Travel agencies connected with
                                           truly reduce the expenses for a maritime   reservation systems (GDSs) offer their
                                           company come only with proper auto-  content to shipping and oil & gas com-
                                           mation and deep knowledge of how the   panies. In this structure, airlines pay a
                                           ever-evolving airline market works. Auto-  fee to the GDSs for their content to
         An Interview with George Chatzantonis    mation offers quicker and transparent   be distributed to the final consumer.
         Managing Director of Antaeus Travel Group  actions for both travel agencies and crew   Today this is changing. Airlines, trying

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