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News from the seas of the world

        INTERNATIONAL                                                                                                              WATERS

         SHIPPING                                                         strong technical management hubs main-                   HAPAG-LLOYD INVESTS IN            operations comprise container termi-  important step to build up our terminal
                                                                                                                                   TERMINAL INFRASTRUCTURE IN
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and infrastructure business,” Rolf said
                                                                          tained in Singapore and Europe.
                                                                                                                                                                     nals, a multi-purpose terminal, inland
         ENTREPRENEURSHIP                                                 Today, the two companies manage 1,000                    INDIA                             container depots, container freight sta-  Habben Jansen, CEO of Hapag-Lloyd.
                                                                                                                                   Hapag-Lloyd signed a binding agree-
                                                                                                                                                                     tions and additional logistics activities,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       In driving its Strategy 2023, Hapag-Lloyd
                                                                          ships, of which 450 are on full technical
         DEVELOPMENTS                                                     management and 550 are on crew man-                      ment under which it will acquire 35%  such as rail service offerings across India.   has continuously expanded its involve-
                                                                                                                                   of J M Baxi Ports & Logistics Limited  The company employs around 5,400  ment in the terminal sector, most recently
                                                                          agement. Many of the world’s leading ship-
                                                                          ping companies are customers of OSM and                  (JMBPL) from a Bain Capital Private   staff and handles a combined container   through an agreement to acquire the ter-
                                                                          Thome, and the fleet consists of different               Equity affiliate. Additionally, Hapag-  volume of approximately 1.6 million TEU. J   minal business of Chile-based SM SAAM.
                                     GASLOG PARTNERS LP AND GASLOG        segments such as tankers, bulk, container,               Lloyd AG signed a binding agreement   M Baxi Ports & Logistics Limited recently   Hapag-Lloyd also has stakes in the Ita-
                                     LTD. TO MERGE                        car carriers, cruise ships and offshore ves-             with JMBPL and its promoters, the   won additional concessions for operating   ly-based Spinelli Group, the JadeWe-
                                     GasLog Partners LP recently announced  sels and units.                                        Kotak family, to subscribe to a capi-  container terminals in Nhava Sheva and   serPort in Wilhelmshaven, the Container
                                     that its board of directors had received  Completion of the merger of the two com-            tal increase by the company and raise   Tuticorin.                  Terminal Altenwerder in Hamburg, Ter-
                                     an unsolicited non-binding proposal from   panies is conditional upon approval from           Hapag-Lloyd’s shareholding to 40 %.  “Terminal and infrastructure investments  minal TC3 in Tangier, and Terminal 2 in
                                     GasLog Ltd. to acquire all the outstanding   the competition and other relevant author-       The contracting parties agreed not to  are a crucial element of our strategic   Damietta, Egypt, which is currently under
                                     common units representing limited partner   ities, which is anticipated during the first      disclose any financial details of the  agenda, and India is one of our key growth   construction.
                                     interests of the partnership not already   quarter of 2023. Until the merger has been         deal.                             markets. Acquiring a significant share in   The closing of the transactions is subject
                                     beneficially owned by GasLog. In connec-  formally approved, the two companies will           J M Baxi Ports & Logistics Limited is  J M Baxi Ports & Logistics Limited will  to approval by the relevant authorities
                                     tion with the proposed transaction, each  operate as before under separate manage-            a leading private terminal and inland   significantly boost our presence in India  and additional conditions customary for
                                     common unit would receive an overall value   ment and organisations.                          transport service provider in India. The   with a trusted local partner. It is another   a transaction of this kind.
                                     of $7.70 per common unit in cash, consisting
                                     in part of a special distribution by the part-
                                     nership of $2.33 per common unit in cash to
                                     be distributed to the partnership’s unithold-
                                     ers immediately prior to the closing of the
                                     proposed transaction and the remainder to
                                     be paid by GasLog as merger consideration
                                     at the closing of the proposed transaction.

                                     OSM MARITIME AND THOME MERGER
                                     TO CREATE A WORLD SHIP
                                     MANAGEMENT LEADER
                                     OSM Maritime Group and Thome Group have
                                     agreed to a merger of the two companies.
                                     By joining forces, the companies will be
                                     building an even stronger platform on which
                                     they will continue to deliver world-class
                                     ship management services to their custom-
                                     ers and continue to improve. The combined
                                     company will be named OSM Thome.
                                     Both OSM Maritime and Thome are deeply
                                     rooted in the Norwegian shipping tradition
                                     and expertise and combine this with the
                                     modern drive of Asian business enterprise.
                                     The headquarters of the combined company
                                     will be located in Arendal, Norway, with

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