P. 33


 â  What do you think are the   is up to us, the shipping companies, to
 prospects of Greek-owned  be willing to train them and help them
 shipping? What  are your  see how their career will develop in the
 strategic goals for the Greek   future if they choose a seafaring career
 shipping market?  or to work in the offices of shipping /ship
 We don’t set targets on the number  management companies.
 of ships we want to run. We set tar-  The third disruption is regulations. Ship-
 gets related to quality and our ability   ping is by far the most efficient mode
 to continue managing more and more   of transporting goods, and regulations
 vessels in line with the level of qual-  - be they on emissions or general reg-
 ity our customers expect from us. We  ulations - are bound to bring about
 don’t always get it right - no one does.   another disruption.
 But we are certainly trying to ensure  In my view, the fourth and final disrup-
 that we provide the highest quality  tion is digitalisation. So, if you have
 services that our clients can get. We  these four disruptions, it is evident that
 have grown substantially over the last   scale matters. It is hard to run compa-
 five years in all segments. We are firmly   nies today if you don’t have the appro-
 focused on Greek shipping and would   priate scale to attract the right people
 not have achieved growth if we hadn’t  and invest in digital capabilities and the
 invested in Greek shipping. The owners   ESG strategies of the future - all this
 It is hard to run   of the offices where V. Ships Greece is   notwithstanding the current regulatory
 companies today if   headquartered, the Tsakos family, is one   framework at a time of great geopolit-
 you don’have the   of the most prominent Greek shipping  ical challenges. Regulations are ever
 appropriate scale   families. We are very honoured to be   changing and increasingly complex,
 to attract the   using those spaces together.  and companies need to be able to react   C
 right people and   quickly to, for example, new sanctions.   M
 invest in digital   ã  Do you think that the out-  You can imagine that for small and   Y
 capabilities   sourcing  of operational  medium-sized companies, it is a difficult   CM
 and the ESG   management of small and  equation to solve. I foresee that out-
 strategies of the   medium-sized shipping com-  sourcing the management of ships will   MY
 future-all this   panies is a one-way street,  grow as an alternative. Of course, many   CY
 notwithstanding the   given the increasing require-  companies think it best to do everything   CMY
 current regulatory   ments related to environmen-  themselves, and I deeply respect that.   K
 framework at a   tal regulations?  But if you look at the financial aspect of
 time of great   I would like to start from a different   it, I predict that an increasing number
 geopolitical   place. I tell everyone that everything  of companies will consider outsourcing.
 challenges.  will change in the next 10 years; the   And if I put my ship owning hat on, I can
 reason for this is very simple. Looking  surely understand that.
 at what is happening in the world today,
 there are some aspects that I would  ç  What characteristics do you
 characterise as ‘’disruptions’’. So, we   think differentiate Gen Z from
 have a disruption related to the whole   older generations?
 emissions and ESG discussion. What   I see a big difference. You can take two
 will be the propulsion of the future?  roads. The one is that young people
 What kind of supply chain will be built   always have to fit in. But you can take
 for the energy source that will propel   the other way and say, ‘’it is us who have
 our ships? How do we manage the cur-  to ensure that we create an environment
 rent vessel portfolio, and how can we   for young people to fit in’’. I want young
 ensure we comply with the CII? How  people to have all the career opportu-
 do we ensure that EEXI requirements   nities we had when we were young. But
 are met by retrofitting or building new   life onboard a ship is different today.
 ships? That’s a massive disruption.  Cell phones have made our lives a lot
 The next disruption is people. How can   easier but have also done a great deal
 we ensure that the next generations  of damage. We are creating a young
 of Greek men and women will want to   generation of individualists, and I don’t
 pursue a career at sea? This question  think we can fight the forces of nature
 concerns all major shipping nations. It   or battle with technology. We need to

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