P. 28


                                                                             ë       Greek shipowners have always
                                                                                     followed a counter-cyclical
                                                                                     fleet growth strategy. Do you
                                                                                     think that over the years and
                                                                                     with charter markets making
                                                                                     significant profits, they are
                                                                                     diversifying that strategy?
                                                                                     What do you think of business
                                                                                     schemes that enter shipping
                                                                                     with the sole aim of asset
                                                                             We should all bear in mind that a ship
                                                                             is a ‘consumer product’; in other words,
                                                                             it has a fixed lifespan and, therefore, an
                                                                             expiration date. Thus, in my opinion, the
                                                                             shipowner has probably recovered the
                                                                             invested capital by that date, which is a
                                                                             shorter period for oil tankers. “Bad” ship-
                                                                             ping market cycles are longer, and there
                                                                             are no “significant gains”, as you put it,
                                                                             which is why  "asset playing" is important
                                                                             so that ship owners can push ahead and
                                                                             add new, more technologically advanced
                                                                             ships to their fleets.
                                                                             ì       How do you see the maritime
                                                                                     trade map being reshaped by
                                                                                     the recent geopolitical crises?
                                                                                     Which types of ships and trade
                                                                                     routes do you think will ben-
                                                                                     efit from the emerging new
                                                                             It is too early to answer your question. It
                                                                             will take time for the new trade routes
                                                                             to evolve.

                                                                             ï       In the 2000s, many shipping
                                                                                     companies of Greek interests
                                           one of the collection’s first acquisitions,   chose to turn to international
                                           moves me deeply. It is a depiction of the   financial markets to raise cap-
                                           heroic death of a group of young men      ital. Under what conditions
                                           in the village of Skouleni during the     can such ventures prove to be
                                           first year of the Revolution. The young   profitable? Why do you think
                                           fighter depicted, one of the first to fall,   shipping stocks do not attract
                                           is writing to his mother, in his own blood,   much investment interest
                                           the moving phrase “Μήτηρ θνήσκω υπέρ      despite shipping’s contribu-
                                           πατρίδος, 1821” [trans. Mother, I am dying   tion to the global economy?
                                           for my country, 1821]. For me, this phrase   It was an important development, which
                                           sums up the essence of the struggle   is still affecting shipping companies,
                                           and proves the strength of the Greek  especially now with the presence of LNG
                                           consciousness, which was preserved for   and large container vessels, which are
                                           centuries and drove the Greeks towards   huge investments requiring more capital.
                                           independence.                     People often fail to understand the cycli-
                                                                             cality of shipping and expect quick prof-
                                                                             its. Shipping is no different from other
                                                                             industries, so one has to be patient.

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