P. 35


 ily in digital technology and training. We
 feel that if there is a clear sight of what
 young people can do, they may want to
 join ships. For example, we have recently
 partnered with universities in Greece
 to offer maritime degrees via distance
 We must get out there and get young
 people, men and women, to work for us.
 I say this for two reasons. Firstly, we will
 face a shortage of seafarers in the future,
 and I am not talking only about men.
 Right now, we have a lot of women doing
 fantastic work. But it is of utmost impor-
 tance to create an environment where
 they feel safe and empowered, and their
 chosen career fits their needs. So, over
 the next 10 years, we must find a solu-
 tion to make global shipping a better and
 more attractive place for young women to
 decide to pursue a career at sea. It is one
 of the biggest challenges we will face.
 è  CII seems to be favouring
 vessels that cover longer dis-
 tances and spend less time at
 ports. Will this affect the types
 and sizes of ships you choose
 to manage or perhaps the con-
 tracts you might enter?
 Not really. We have our own digital sys-
 tems and can plan the voyages together
 with our clients. Using these systems, we
 achieve a high degree of automation and
 can prepare for the next trip by incorpo-
 rating all the available information about
 the ship. We have heavily invested in AI,
 which is where the CII comes in because
 we can help our clients deal with the reg-
 L-R: René Kofod-Olsen    adapt. In the old days, you would congre-  ulation’s challenges. Remember that we
 and Costas Kontes  gate in the mess room when you were on   do not control the charter. We operate at
 a ship and had finished your shift. Today,   the client’s instruction. The client defines
 young seafarers will return to their cabins,   the next port the vessel will call. So, the
 check in with their families, and spend time   implementation of the CII doesn’t change
 on social media. So, we need to find ways   anything for us, as we have the system
 and create spaces where they feel they can   capabilities to support the client and the
 do that.  vessel. It doesn’t really matter whether it
 We must ensure ships have the technol-  is a long or short-distance voyage. We will
 ogy tools for seafarers to communicate  operate the vessel entrusted to us by our
 with the shore. We need to make it easier   client to the best of our ability. The dis-
 for them by bringing technology on board.   ruptions I referred to are emissions and
 A young seafarer today would expect that   decarbonisation regulations; therefore, it
 all decision-making is made using not   is vital to help our clients in this new ship-
 analogue but digital technology. I think  ping landscape. We have been investing a
 two of the four disruptions I talked about,   lot of time, money, and resources into the
 namely people and digitalisation, go hand   whole ESG disruption and will keep doing
 in hand. Therefore, we are investing heav-  so for the foreseeable future.

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