P. 25


 Ö  You belong to the generation   Indeed, the policy of governments   KA TRADIS  GROUP OF COMP ANIES
 of Greek shipping entrepre-  in recent years reveals an effort to
 neurs who flourished during   upgrade the Greek repair and main-
 a period that was favourable   tenance industry, not the shipbuilding
 for international trade and  industry. A striking example is the case
 transport. However, in recent   of Syros, where high-level repair work
 decades, the number of new  is carried out daily on both commer-
 entrants into the shipping   cial and passenger ships. The exper-
 industry has been minimal.  tise of professionals is the main point
 Do you think the general cli-  of excellence, as it combines a centu-
 mate is no longer conducive  ries-old tradition in repair with modern
 to new entrepreneurs enter-  technology. And we cannot overlook the
 ing the sector?  strides made in the maritime equipment
 Each era has its own characteristics and   procurement sector under the guidance
 opportunities.  of Greek companies.
 Your observation is extremely apt. You   On the other hand, a relative cost diver-
 have raised a serious issue that is rele-  gence is to be expected, especially
 vant today, which we must address since   when Greek shipyards and supply com-
 Greek shipping remains one of the main   panies are compared with their foreign
 pillars of our country’s economy and is  counterparts, such as those of East
 undoubtedly the largest shipping power   Asia.
 in the world. The financial crisis led to   As far as shipbuilding is concerned, the
 a crisis of confidence, reduced liquidity,   truth is that there have been attempts
 People often fail   and inevitably prevented banking insti-  to build ships in the past, especially
 to understand the   tutions from supporting businesses, thus   ocean-going vessels, but they were not
 cyclicality  limiting the methods of financing-related   successful, at least not to the extent
 of shipping and   investments and forcing entrepreneurs   that we had hoped. The “hows” and
 expect quick profits.   to turn to alternative forms of capital   “whys” constitute a long discussion that
 Shipping is no   raising (such as capital markets, funds,  should be had at some point. Perhaps
 different from other   etc.). In any case, both existing and aspir-  we are being given a second chance, as
 industries, so one   ing entrepreneurs in the industry have  with yachts and small passenger boats,
 has to be patient.  forged on by relying on these solutions,   but the State should assist and address   Thinking globally. Acting sustainably!
 and for the most part, the results have   the challenge with due seriousness.
 been encouraging.
 Moreover, considering the downward  â  What lessons have  you   Katradis Group has developed an efficient Environmental Management System in an effort to reduce
 trend of the shipping market, which has   learned from the protracted   or even eliminate its environmental footprint.  A main focus area is the production process, where
 remained at low levels, especially in the   crises in the shipping mar-  reducing used energy and waste of resources and minimizing sewage is a primary objective.
 last ten years, it is understandable that   kets, especially during the
 the climate has not been favourable for   1980s and the more recent
 new entrepreneurs to enter the industry.   2008 crisis?  ZERO WASTE POLICY  - for all packaging materials and production wastes which are delivered to recycling facilities
 However, there are now clear signs of  Undoubtedly, we have learned import-
 recovery, which we must take advantage   ant lessons from the protracted crises   ENERGY SAVINGS – optimization of the manufacturing process with minimization of reactive power and higher efficiency with led
 of by capitalising on past lessons and   suffered by the shipping markets. The   powered lights.
 developing our capacity for flexibility   financial crisis of the 1980s hit the   DEVELOPMENT OF PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS – for energy sufficiency while conserving the earth’s natural resources.
 and rapid adaptation.  shipping sector almost immediately,
 which was to be expected considering   ECO ROPES – reducing carbon footprint and improving the environmental performance by using recycled polymers.
 á  In recent years, a great effort   that more than 80% of world trade is
 has been made to revive the   carried out by sea. That crisis caused   ENVIROMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – ISO 14001:2015 AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ISO 9001:2015
 Greek shipbuilding industry.   the worst recession in 70 years, drag-
 What are the current advan-  ging down in its wake every developed
 tages of Greek shipyards and   economy.
 marine equipment manufac-  In the 2008 crisis, central banks failed
 turing and supply compa-  to use the tools at their disposal to
 nies? Where do they excel,  prevent excessive lending, ignoring the
 and where do they lag com-  risks that could threaten their financial
 pared to their international  stability at any time. The global crisis
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