P. 20


                                       of them green. Nevertheless, there are   needs of seafarers. But the shortage of
                                       tough questions when it comes to decar-  workers is a phenomenon seen in all the
                                       bonisation, and we need to be prudent in   logistics sectors. For example, a massive
                                       the beginning.                      shortage of drivers on land is reported as
                                       At the same time, we need to reward the   well. It seems there is a general shortage
                                       pioneers, the people at the forefront of  of workers in professions that are no longer
                                       the decarbonisation efforts. The proposal   considered ‘’sexy’’. Many years ago, the
                                       submitted by the ICS is very much in this   seafaring profession was very appealing to
                                       direction: a 'fund and reward' system to  young people as they could travel world-
                                       catalyse the adoption of alternative fuels,   wide and gain new experiences. Today, trav-
                                       and to reward first movers who are pio-  elling has become easier and the seafaring
                                       neers in the use of new fuels. The funds  profession less attractive.
                                       collected will probably finance 80% of the
                                       price difference between alternative and  ç  The Grimaldi Group has publicly
                                       conventional fuels. We also aim to reward   expressed an interest in the
                                       countries producing new fuels, particu-    ports of Igoumenitsa and Herak-
                                       larly developing countries, which bear the   lion. What are its plans for these
                                       least responsibility but have suffered the   two ports, what motivated it to
                                       most from the carbon dioxide emitted in    invest in Greece, and why has
                                       the last 20 years. In this context, we must   this interest intensified in the
                                       help them develop clean fuels from their   last few years?
                 Supporting            untapped natural resources. Our pragmatic   We strongly believe in the potential of the
              seafarers around         submission is gaining momentum in many  transport sector in Greece and this is why
             the globe must be         countries.                          we have decided to heavily invest in the
              a priority. The                                              country’s port infrastructure.
              challenges they          â       Should the shipping industry   We recently won the public tender for the
              faced during the                 be concerned about its public  port of Igoumenitsa and are contemplat-
               last years are                  image? What actions and initia-  ing what we can do to modernise the port
            unprecedented. They                tives could it take to improve it?  and achieve carbon neutrality by produc-
               are the heroes          Yes, this has been the case for many years.   ing green energy. The Grimaldi Group has
             who supported the         But I see shipping gaining ground in the   introduced solar installations and wind
               global economy          public’s opinion today as it is becoming  turbines in ports and terminals in which
              during the harsh         increasingly crucial for the world economy.   it has invested. We should focus on devel-
               pandemic years          Also, all the associations, particularly ICS,   oping the port’s infrastructure and improv-
                                       are represented everywhere. We were pres-  ing the services provided to the logistics
                                       ent at COP26 and COP27 and will be there   sector as well as to the passenger traf-
                                       for COP28 as well. We had a big delegation,   fic. Igoumenitsa is well connected via the
                                       and we highlighted topics that are critical   Egnatia Motorway to Northern Greece
                                       for the industry. We are lobbying and trying   and the borders to Bulgaria and Turkey.
                                       to express our views to find solutions. So   It is also a beautiful area with a long his-
                                       today, shipowners’ associations are increas-  tory and is connected to other islands,
                                       ingly represented in international fora.  like Corfu, which attract important tourist
                                                                           flows and have excellent marinas for sail-
                                       ã       Are  young  Italians  showing  ing boats.
                                               interest in the maritime profes-  At the same time, as you know, we will be
                                               sion? As a group, have you found   participating in the tender for the privati-
                                               that the motives, priorities, and   sation of the port of Heraklion, where our
                                               characteristics new generation   sister company Minoan Lines has its head-
                                               of seafarers are different?  quarters. After all, the Grimaldi Group is
                                       We have some homework to do - in Italy,  the port’s biggest customer.
                                       Greece, and all over the world. The living  è
                                       standards and welfare of seafarers onboard   What are the most significant
                                       ships must be improved. We have to dis-    lessons you have learned in the
                                       cuss all these things; some are simple, and   past 2-3 years?
                                       some are complicated. Ship-to-shore con-  The developments are positive. Our industry
                                       nectivity is one such example. We are open   has proven to be resilient despite the sig-
                                       to meeting with the ITF to understand the   nificant challenges.

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