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                             and Development Board (IMRB) and Fund       than the shipping company, the shipping
                             (IMRF) to oversee an IMRD Programme to      company is entitled to reimbursement from
                             accelerate the introduction of low-carbon   that entity for the costs arising from the
                             and zero-carbon technologies and fuels,     surrender of allowances. Nevertheless, the
                             according to paragraph 4.7.9 of the IMO     shipping company remains responsible for
                             Initial Strategy on the Reduction of Green   surrendering allowances (Article 3ga and
                             House Gas Emissions from Ships.             Article 12 of the Directive), Monitoring and
                             Furthermore, on 25 October 2022, in a       reporting emissions from maritime transport;
                             paper  to  the  IMO,  the  ICS  proposed  a   Verification and accreditation of emissions
                             “fund and reward” system to catalyse the    from maritime transport;  Administering
                             adoption of alternative fuels, which currently   authority in respect of a shipping company;
                             cost at least two or three times more than   Reporting and review.
                             conventional marine fuels (F&R proposal).   In regulating the above, the Proposal
                             The proposal combines elements of various   Directive  took  into  consideration  the
                             recent GHG reduction proposals by several   following:
                             governments, plus a flat rate contribution         –  The need to regulate shipping
                             system previously proposed by ICS and               emissions from  vessels below
                             INTERCARGO.                                         5,000 gross tonnage; therefore,
                                                                                 the  Commission  was  asked  to
                     EU-ETS revision - inclusion shipping in the “fit for        present a report to the European
                     55” package- provisions for transferring the ETS            Parliament and the Council
                     costs from shipping companies to other entities             later than 31 December 2026,
                             In  July 2021, the European Commission              examining the feasibility and cost-
                             adopted legislative proposals for reducing          effectiveness of the inclusion of
                             greenhouse emissions by at least 55% by             emissions from ships below 5,000
                             2030, extending the EU-ETS to maritime              gross tonnage in the Directive.
                             transport.                                         –  The need to regulate the following:
                             In particular, the Proposal for a Directive of      in line with the “polluter pays”
                             the European Parliament and the Council             principle, the shipping company
                             (COM/2021/551 dated 14.7.2021), as amended          should be entitled, under national
                             on 30 June 2022, adopted, among other               law, to claim reimbursement
                             things, the following basic provisions:             for the costs arising from the
                             Scope of application to maritime transport          surrender of allowances from the
                             activities; Phase-in of requirements for            entity that is directly responsible
                             maritime transport: Shipping companies              for the decisions affecting the CO2
                             shall be liable to surrender allowances             emissions of the ship.
                             according to a schedule; Provisions for the
                             transfer of the ETS costs from the shipping   In conclusion, the above emission reduction
                             company to another entity: the Member       system is still being processed, discussed
                             States shall take the necessary measures to   and developed. The author’s opinion is that
                             ensure that when the ultimate responsibility   it should be guided by IMO experts and
                             for the purchase of the fuel or operation   regulated by special maritime legislation.
                             of the ship is assumed by a different entity

         2  Press release ICS, 25th October 2022,, “International Chamber of Shipping proposes global CO2 reduction
         fund to reward “first moves” using low emission fuels”. Ναυτικά Χρονικά, “Απανθρακοποίηση της Ναυτιλίας: Η πρόταση του ICS”,
         26 Οκτωβρίου 2022.
         3  See, also, “the Joint letter of ECSA, the Advanced Biofuels Coalition, CLECAT, CLIA, ESPO, eFuel Alliance, ENMC, ESC, EWABA,
         FEPORT, SEA Europe calling for the earmarking of the EU ETS revenues to the European maritime sector to foster its decarbon-
         ization”, in ECSA website, “Maritime industry unites to call for earmarking of ETS revenues”, 29th September 2022.
         Also, in ECSA website, “Provisional ETS Agreement: Earmarking of revenues can mark turning point for European shipping’s de-
         4  Finally, on 18 December 2022, the European Parliament and Council came to an agreement on the revision of the EU Emission
         Trading System, extending to shipping from 1st January 2024 (preliminary agreement to include shipping).

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