P. 92
The Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA)
has released its annual State of the Cruise Industry
report and a new publication, An Ocean of Oppor-
tunities workforce skills report.
The annual state of the industry report includes the
release of 2023 passenger volume, which reached
31.7 million—surpassing 2019 by 7%. The report
also shows continued demand for cruise holidays,
noting intent to cruise at 82%. The forecast for
cruise capacity shows an increase of 10% from
2024 through 2028 as cruise lines make ongoing,
concrete progress in pursuit of net-zero emissions
by 2050.
“Cruise continues to be one of the fastest-growing
and most resilient sectors of tourism— rebound-
ing faster than international tourist arrivals—and
a strong contributor to local and national econ-
omies. In 2022, cruise tourism generated 90%
of economic impact compared to 2019, despite
PASSENGER levels. Over the past 50 years, cruise tourism has
© Stena Line passenger volumes that year being at 70% of 2019
SHIPPING demonstrated its leadership in managed tourism
and is an industry that has plenty of room for
continued responsible growth given cruise travel
STENA LINE TO EXPAND OUTSIDE OF comprises just 2% of overall travel and tourism,”
EUROPE said Kelly Craighead, president and CEO of CLIA.
Stena Line has entered an agreement to acquire “The industry also continues to lead the way in
49 per cent of the shares of Morocco-based ferry environmental sustainability and destination stew-
company Africa Morocco Link (AML). ardship, with cruise lines making advancements in
AML is headquartered in Tangier and operates a technology, infrastructure and operations, and in
ferry route between Tanger Med and Algeciras. green skills training for crew”.
This summer, the company will also launch a new Highlights from CLIA’s 2024 State of the Industry
highspeed route between Tangier Ville and Tar- report include:
ifa. The first route is open for freight and travel • Cruise tourism reached 107% of 2019
customers. The second one will be a route for levels in 2023, with 31.7 million passen-
passengers and cars. gers sailing – almost two million more
“We are always looking to secure new business than in 2019.
opportunities that will make us last and be resil- • 2024 is forecast to see 35.7 million cruise
ient in the long run. The strait of Gibraltar is a stra- passengers sailing.
tegic location for passengers travelling between • Intent to cruise is 6% higher than in 2019,
Africa and Europe as well as for global trade, and with Millennials being the most enthusi-
freight volumes in the area are expected to grow astic cruise travellers of the future.
in the upcoming years due to the positive indus- • Global cruise capacity is forecast to
trial growth and international trade in Morocco,” grow from 677K lower berths in 2024
says Niclas Mårtensson, CEO at Stena Line. to 745K lower berths in 2028.
He continues: “These routes, their ports, and the • Each year, the fleet becomes more
surrounding industries are under development efficient as cruise lines invest in pro-
and expected to drive a healthy freight market pulsion technologies with conversion
growth in the coming ten years. It’s a very exciting capabilities for future alternative fuels
area to be able to operate in”. and utilise a range of technologies and
The agreement is subject to approval by the innovations to advance their sustaina-
Moroccan authorities. bility initiatives.