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          IN THE HORN OF AFRICA                   80% of the             CLOSER TIES WITH AUKUS
          A top Kenyan official recently said that Kenya   world’s       UK and Australia ties are stronger than ever
          had proposed a regional maritime treaty to   trade passes      following a successful defence and foreign
          de-escalate tensions between Ethiopia and   through the        policy summit in Canberra, attended by the
          Somalia over a deal allowing Ethiopia to set   Indian Ocean.   Defence Secretary and Foreign Secretary.
          up a naval base and giving it port access to                   Over two days of meetings and engagements
          Somalia’s breakaway region of Somaliland.                      with their counterparts, which are dubbed AUK-
          Landlocked Ethiopia agreed on 1 January to                     MIN and take place annually, David Cameron
          lease 20 kilometres (12 miles) of coastline in                 and Grant Shapps discussed shared priorities,
          Somaliland, a part of Somalia that claims inde-                challenges, and cooperation on issues including
          pendence and has effectively had autonomy                      Ukraine, the Middle East, and the Indo-Pacific.
          since 1991, offering possible recognition of                   Meeting in Canberra on Thursday 18th March,
          Somaliland in return.                                          Defence Secretary Grant Shapps and Australia
          The deal prompted a defiant response from                      Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister
          Somalia and fuelled concerns it could fur-                     Richard Marles set out closer collaboration,
          ther destabilise the Horn of Africa region.                    including science and technology, information
          The treaty proposed by Kenya in consultation                   exchange and working together to maintain an
          with Djibouti and the regional bloc IGAD would                 open and stable Indo-Pacific.
          govern the way landlocked states in the region                 The agreement will also make it easier for their
          would be able to access a port on commercial                   forces to operate in each other’s nations, facil-
          terms, a Kenyan official told Reuters, adding                  itating current activity like Operation Interflex
          that IGAD is able to formulate a treaty for the                and future deployments, including the Navy’s
          sharing of marine resources.                                   Carrier Strike Group in 2025 and the RAF’s
          On Thursday, 11 April, Somali President Hassan                 Exercise Pitch Black this summer.
          Sheikh Mohamud met with his Kenyan coun-                       During a day of meetings on shared priorities
          terpart William Ruto in the Kenyan capital in                  and challenges, the UK and Australia’s con-
          the hope of finding a diplomatic solution to                   tinued commitment to Ukraine was on the
          the dispute.                                                   agenda, with UK and Australian troops work-
                                                                         ing together to train over 35,000 Ukrainian
          EU TO BECOME AN OBSERVER OF                                    recruits in the UK to date. Grant Shapps wel-
          THE DJIBOUTI CODE OF CONDUCT/                                  comed Australia’s £25 million contribution to
          JEDDAH AMENDMENT                                               the UK-administered International Fund for
          The EU will soon become a ‘Friend’ of the Dji-                 Ukraine, which seeks to provide Ukraine with
          bouti Code of Conduct/Jeddah Amendment,                        the capabilities it needs, directly procuring
          a regional cooperation framework to tackle                     from industry. He also announced a new pack-
          piracy, armed robbery, human trafficking,                      age of multipurpose drones and air defence
          and other illegal maritime activities in the                   capability that will be delivered to Ukraine in
          North-Western Indian Ocean, including the                      the coming months through the fund.
          Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea.                                  The £60 million package will be rapidly pro-
          The Council formally decided to accept the                     cured in the coming months to further boost
          invitation from the Secretariat of the Djibouti                the Armed Forces of Ukraine. £40 million will
          Code of Conduct/Jeddah Amendment. By                           be spent on more than 150 surveillance drones,
          becoming a ‘Friend’ of the Djibouti Code of                    and a further £20 million will be spent on addi-
          Conduct/Jeddah Amendment, the EU signals                       tional air defence systems, including radars to
          its strong support for an effective regional                   detect incoming missiles and drones targeted
          maritime security architecture while strength-                 at Ukraine’s cities and military positions, as
          ening its presence and engagement as a global                  well as mobile workshops to help quickly repair
          maritime security provider in the fight against                equipment near the frontline.
          illegal activities at sea.                                     The package will be procured from industry
          The North-Western Indian Ocean is one                          using supply chains already providing capabil-
          of the most dynamic centres of economic                        ity for Ukraine, including from leading manu-
          growth in the world. With 80% of the world’s                   facturers such as British company Malloy Aer-
          trade passing through the Indian Ocean, it is                  onautics and Tekever, and demonstrates the
          crucial to ensure freedom of navigation and                    continued commitment from nations around
          protect the EU’s and its partners’ security                    the world – including the UK and Australia – to
          and interests.                                                 support Ukraine.

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