P. 250


                                                                     What are the latest developments in commercial
                                                                     Regarding shipbuilding contracts, companies are
                                                                     becoming increasingly involved in the shipbuilding
                                                                     process, at times directing the builder as to what
                                                                     specific machinery should be used to improve the
                                                                     vessel’s GHG emissions, which raises the question
                                                                     of how liability will be apportioned between owner
                                                                     and builder in the event that the machinery does not
                                                                     operate as intended or the vessel’s performance is
                                                                     affected. Companies will usually have appointed sep-
                                                                     arate technical experts to guide them on technical
                                                                     aspects. However, said experts do not typically have
                                                                     any contractual arrangement with the builder and
                                                                     may lack the financial standing to justify the com-
                       Interestingly, with major                     pany pursuing a claim against them.
                         players currently less                      In certain cases, we expect that shipbuilding con-
                      dependent on debt, there has                   tracts will be structured in a manner that is closer
                     been a revitalised interest by                  to what we see in offshore contracts, with tripartite
                    financiers in further exploring                  agreements that bring third-party experts into the
                    the depth of the Greek shipping                  picture.
                            market, including                        Additionally, the evolving use of new technology in
                     companies with smaller fleets                   shipbuilding is prompting companies to reconsider
                     that resemble the traditional                   various contractual aspects. For instance, is the
                    profile of Greek shipping firms.                 usual framework for sea trials sufficient for defects
                                                                     of new technologies to transpire, and if not, how is
                                                                     this reflected in the builder’s indemnities?
                                                                     The EU ETS also has significant implications for the
                                                                     drafting of commercial contracts. Parties need to
                                                                     address several related issues in their charters, mem-
                                                                     oranda of agreement, and management agreements
                                                                     (particularly with third-party managers), including
                                                                     how relevant data will be collected and exchanged,
                                                                     who will bear the responsibility of complying with
                                                                     the EU ETS, and the development of a framework for
                                                                     dealing with emissions when a vessel is sold.

                                                                     What do you expect to see in the market in the next
                                                                     two years?
                                                                     On the financing side, a lot will depend on whether
                          capture some or all carbon emitted from fuels on   interest rates will drop. However, I anticipate an
                          board. The captured carbon will need to be stored   active market regardless, as there is a plethora of
                          and then removed periodically from the vessel in a   financiers willing to have a presence in the Greek
                          particular manner. Given the significant expense   shipping market. Additionally, the Greek shipping
                          involved in the installation of such equipment, com-  market is strong enough to engage them, particularly
                          panies are likely to seek capital from their financiers.   those who can be more agile in their offering.
                          Financiers will need to consider the implications of   On the commercial front, there is no stopping pro-
                          this process concerning the asset’s value, particu-  gress. I expect we will witness the outcomes of
                          larly whether the equipment will be factored into   ongoing research into new technologies, and I am
                          the vessel’s overall value and if the vessel’s security   certain that Greek shipping companies will be at the
                          can also cover the equipment. In the case that the   forefront of such developments. Over the next two
                          vessel has already been financed, and the equip-  years, we should have a much clearer idea of the
                          ment is subsequently financed by another lender,   preferred fuel and its effect on the current fleet and
                          the situation becomes more complex.        newbuilding orders.
                          Finally, we are also observing some interest from   Lastly, I believe we will see increased regulatory
                          companies in participating in tech start-ups in this   interventions from the IMO and the EU on envi-
                          sector.                                    ronmental and other matters.

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