P. 247
tinue to grow, innovate, and re-invest in their local Indeed, the Greek shipping industry directly
economies. impacts the flow of goods around the world, influ-
The NYSE is also the only global stock exchange encing trade and supply chains. The sector has also
with a trading model that combines cutting-edge remained incredibly resilient, weathering downturns
technology with the guidance of experienced floor in the face of major macro events, including the
traders. The traders on our floor are much like the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions, tough
captain on the bridge of a ship, providing important fundraising environments, and global supply chain
oversight that seeks to maintain smooth sailing, no issues.
matter how choppy the water. For 19 years, the NYSE has hosted Greek American
Overall, the NYSE has over thirty marine transport Issuer Day at our iconic building in downtown Man-
companies listed on our exchange from the Medi- hattan to celebrate Greece’s significant contribu-
terranean and beyond, with companies hailing from tions to the US economy and reinforce the NYSE’s
the US, Greece, Norway, the UK, Israel, Bermuda, commitment to the Greek business community
and Singapore. We understand first-hand the value here.
of this industry, which is the backbone of global We look forward to continuing that long-lasting
trade. tradition as a symbol of the strong ties and special
Rooted in deep tradition and prestige, the NYSE and relationship shared between the US and Greece,
the Greek shipping industry both share the com- especially within the shipping sector community. As
mon goal of continued innovation and modernisa- the US capital markets continue to lead the world,
tion while respecting our longstanding heritage. We we look forward to welcoming more Greek shipping
are both strong communities with a global reach, companies to our community of listed companies.
which makes it an easy choice to work together.