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                                                                        need to tell the maritime story in a way that
                                                                        resonates with people and shows the sector’s
                                                                        For this, I am keen to enhance media engage-
                                                                        ment and boost outreach to audiences beyond
                                                                        the maritime community. I am committed to
                                                                        transparency and making IMO information
                                                                        more accessible to the broader public, for
                                                                        example, through our website and social media.

                                                                        ❺      Given the ever-changing legislative
                                                                               and technological landscape of the
                                                                               shipping industry, in which sectors
                                                                               do you believe shipping companies
                                                                               need to take further initiatives?
                                                                        The green transition in the maritime industry
                                                                        is unfolding at a rapid pace. However, there is a
                                                                        need to consider issues such as safety, pricing,
                                                                        infrastructural availability to deliver new fuels,
                                                                        lifecycle emissions, supply chain constraints,
          IMO Secretary-General   shipping in the Red Sea are unacceptable -   barriers to adoption, and more. Seafarers will
          Arsenio Dominguez     the tragic loss of seafarers’ lives in the recent   require training to operate the new technology
          at Singapore Maritime Week   attack on the True Confidence is particularly   safely.
          2024 (15-4-24).
                                devastating.                            We need “early movers” in the industry as well
                                Innocent seafarers must not be made collateral   as forward-looking policymakers to take the
                                victims. While there are far-reaching implica-  necessary risks and secure the right invest-
                                tions for global trade posing a direct threat to   ments that will stimulate long-term solutions
                                global supply chains, our primary concern is   for the sector. However, I am encouraged to
                                the safety of seafarers, who are simply trying   see that the industry is ready to embrace the
                                to do their jobs.                       journey to net zero shipping.

                                ❸      In light of the Red Sea crisis, what  ❻  Does the shipping industry need
                                       initiatives has the IMO undertaken      regional measures for shipping?
                                       to ensure crew safety?           Shipping is a global industry, and as such, it
                                We are closely monitoring the developments   requires global regulations. Because of the
                                in the Red Sea and engaging in constant dia-  international nature of shipping – a ship can
                                logue and diplomacy to try to ensure that sea-  be flagged in one state, owned in another, and
                                farers, ships, and cargoes are protected. In   crewed by seafarers of different nationalities
                                such contexts, the IMO serves as a vital forum   while sailing in the territorial waters of differ-
                                for bringing together stakeholders, including   ent states and international waters – global
                                governments, partners, and UN agencies, to   regulations are essential, and the IMO has con-
                                share information, find solutions, and provide   sistently demonstrated this over its 76 years
                                assistance as needed.                   of experience.
                                More generally, the IMO provides long-term
                                support to build the capacity of regional and  ❽  Generation Z is entering the work-
                                national bodies to strengthen maritime secu-   force. Does this new generation dis-
                                rity in the Red Sea through legislation, mari-  play any distinct characteristics?
                                time security strategies, and information-shar-  What  does  the  shipping  industry
                                ing networks.                                  need to do differently in order to
                                                                               recruit and retain the talent found
                                ❹      Does the shipping industry deserve      within Gen Z?
                                       a better public image, and if so, how   Gen Z is a dynamic, digital generation. These
                                       can this be achieved?            young people have grown up with the con-
                                Shipping is not recognised enough for its   venience of the internet, social media, and
                                essential role in daily life. Most of all  the   electronics as part of their everyday lives. In
                                goods we use on a daily basis, including food,   this way, they are able to leverage digital tools
                                fuel, and electronics, are brought via ship. We   perhaps more readily than others. They would

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