P. 23

The IMO Secretary-General describes his vision for the organisation's future, discusses
            the state of emergency in the Red Sea and its effects on maritime trade, and highlights
            the need to improve the public image of shipping. Finally, he refers to the efforts for
            the green transition of shipping, the role that Generation Z will play in the evolution
            of the sector, and the IMO’s initiatives to strengthen diversity and inclusion.


                             TENSIONS HAVE


                             IMPACTS ON THE

                             SAFETY AND SECURITY

                             OF INTERNATIONAL


            IMO Secretary-General   ❶   What is your vision for the Interna-     Developing States and Least Devel-
            Arsenio Dominguez           tional Maritime Organisation?            oped Countries.
                                 My vision is for the IMO to excel as a transpar-  •   Our image: We need to enhance pub-
            talks to             ent, inclusive, and diverse institution as it works   lic awareness and visibility of the IMO
            Giannis Theodoropoulos  to ensure a robust regulatory framework that   and its work, given the pivotal role of
                                 supports safe,  secure,  and  environmentally   shipping in global trade and economy.
                                 friendly shipping. I will focus on delivering this   •   Our people: This involves attracting
                                 through four main pillars.                      more people to work in the shipping
                                    •   Our work: We are committed to the        sector, as well as cultivating a high-per-
                                        successful delivery of our mandate,      forming, motivated workforce in the
                                        which covers a wide scope of issues,     IMO Secretariat.
                                        from maritime security and the safety
                                        of seafarers to protecting the marine  ❷  What do you consider the most sig-
                                        environment, digitalisation and auto-    nificant challenges of the shipping
                                        mation, and the human element.           industry for 2024?
                                    •   Our support: The IMO’s support for its   Geopolitical  tensions are having dramatic
                                        176 Member States must be measura-  impacts on the safety and security of inter-
                                        ble and targeted to respond to coun-  national shipping, with seafarers, ships, and
                                        tries’ needs, particularly Small Island   cargoes at risk. The attacks on international

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