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                          lition by surprise. The Parallel Fleet is comprised   Many have now withdrawn from Scheme partici-
                          of vessels that are flagged, insured, classed, and   pation altogether, understandably concerned about
                          financed in jurisdictions that are not subject to   the credibility of the attestation, which the Scheme
                          Coalition sanctions. Nobody really knows its size,   expects them to accept at face value. Consequently,
                          but some estimates suggest that, as of today, up   unless the Coalition wishes to stop the participation
                          to 70% of Russian oil cargoes are being carried by   of Coalition ships, it is difficult to reach any other
                          vessels whose owners and service providers are   conclusion that those involved are doing their best
                          domiciled in jurisdictions not subject to the laws   within the design imperfections of the Scheme.
                          of the Coalition States.                   Instead, enforcement should focus on  those
                          Moreover, some States have expressed concern   actively trading and transporting cargoes above
                          about the regulation of tankers comprising the Par-  the $60 cap. There are a few choices available;
                          allel Fleet. One such vessel, the Pablo, suffered a   firstly, the Coalition could simply ban vessels and
                          catastrophic explosion on 1 May 2023, killing one   service providers subject to its jurisdiction from
                          person. It remains unclear how the vessel’s flag   carrying Russian oil. The growth of the Parallel Fleet
                          state and insurers responded to the casualty and   may now mean that there is sufficient capacity to
                          the resulting claims.                      ensure a continued supply of Russian oil to world
                          Finally, several influential commentators, including   markets. Yet, such action would risk allowing Russia
                          the US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, have pub-  to charge more for its oil and potentially influence
                          licly observed that the price cap is no longer work-  those markets by controlling the amount of oil it
                          ing as planned. A World Bank Commodity report,   supplies.
                          published in October 2023, observed a narrowing   If the Scheme is to be maintained, then enforce-
                          of the gap between Brent and Urals trading prices   ment action should be targeted at those responsi-
                          and further commented:                     ble for misrepresenting the true price of the cargo,
                          “The price cap on Russian crude oil introduced in   specifically the seller, shipper, and buyer. This would
                          late 2022 appears increasingly unenforceable ….   require new legislation expanding the scope of the
                          The cap has not created significant supply disrup-  sanctions to apply to parties not subject to the
                          tions, with the volume of Russian oil production   jurisdiction of the Coalition. Public designations
                          and exports remaining relatively constant, in part   of parties involved in such shipments would help
                          reflecting the redirection of Russian exports from   Coalition ships, and service providers avoid parties
                          EU and G7 countries to China, India, and Türkiye.…   known to be in breach.
                          It seems that by putting together a “shadow fleet”,   Finally, OFAC and OFSI should be encouraged to
                          Russia has been able to trade outside of the cap;   adopt a less confrontational and more collabora-
                          the official Urals benchmark recently breached the   tive approach to shipowners and service providers
                          cap for more than three months, averaging $80 per   within their jurisdictions, the vast majority of which
                          barrel in August”.                         are simply trying to do the right thing. Coalition
                                                                     shipowners have no interest in seeing lucrative busi-
                          What next?                                 ness going to competitors who do not necessarily
                          None of this should come as a surprise. The Interna-  go to the expense of maintaining their vessels to
                          tional Group repeatedly highlighted that shipown-  the standard required of them by their oil-major
                          ers and their Tier III financial and service providers   customers. Indeed, if the parallel fleet is allowed
                          have no means of accessing the actual price paid   to grow unchecked, much of the last fifty years
                          for a cargo. As a result, they are entirely reliant on   of work by the IMO to improve safety risks will be
                          the attestation provided to them, with no means of   undermined.
                          verifying its accuracy.
                          So, what should the Coalition do next?     During its first year of operation, the Price Cap
                          What it shouldn’t do is ramp up enforcement efforts   Scheme enjoyed some success but now needs
                          against shipowners, flag states, class, and insurers   to adapt if it is to remain an effective mechanism
                          currently engaging in good faith in price cap trades.   to prevent Russia from profiting from its war of
                          Why focus enforcement on the section of shipping   aggression in Ukraine. Enforcement action should
                          trying to make the unworkable work whilst ignoring   be targeted at those who misstate or hide the true
                          the 70% or so of cargoes shipped on the Parallel   price of Russian oil rather than those who have
                          Fleet?                                     been misled by such statements. Finally, states
                          By and large, Coalition shipowners are doing   should be encouraged to ensure that vessels trad-
                          their best to comply with the requirements of the   ing to their shores or flying their flag comply fully
                          Scheme. However, even with the changes made to   with the statutory requirements of the applicable
                          the text of the attestation, they have little means   IMO conventions.
                          of verifying the price information contained in it.

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