Page 7 - ΝΑΥΤΙΚΑ ΧΡΟΝΙΚΑ - Media Kit 2024
P. 7


 calendar   MONTH          SPECIAL FEATURE                       RESEARCH                 EXHIBITIONS

                                                                 / ANALYSIS
                                                                                          / CONFERENCES
 2024      JANUARY-        The ‘Shipping Sector Reviews & Forecasts’ Issue    Top shipping companies
                                                                 in investments (both newbuilds
                                                                 and second-hand market) -
                                                                 Top shipping companies in fleet
                                                                 The ship management companies
           2024              Annual reports on shipping markets.  value terms.
                                                                 of Piraeus / Athens: the fleet’s
                                                                 characteristics based on the size
 In each issue,                                                  Survey regarding shipyards
                                                                 of the companies.
 we host a variety    MARCH   The ‘Shipbuilding & Shiprepairing’ Issue   based on relevant questionnaire,  Capital Link events
                                                                 which will be answered
                           Shipyards and marine equipment manufacturers
                                                                 by technical managers
                                                                 of shipping companies.
 of shipping-related   APRIL   The ‘Next Generation’ Issue       Annual Naftika Chronika survey:
                                                                 useful findings regarding the
 features.  2024           Μarine & maritime education and HR practices:   profile, ambitions and priorities of
                           What lies ahead?
                                                                 the Merchant Marine Academies’
                           How can young seafarers deal with current and
                           future challenges and opportunities?
 Select the issues   MAY   The ‘Smart’ Issue                     Survey regarding smart shipping   Posidonia Exhibition,

 of your interest   2024    •  New technologies in shipping, maritime   based on relevant questionnaire  3-7 June 2024
                             software, cyber security and more.
                                                                                          Metropolitan Expo
                                                                 which will be answered by
                                                                 technical managers of shipping
                            •  Presentation of new maritime technology products
                                                                                          Athens, Greece
                             and services from within the industry.

 and promote   JUNE        The ‘Ship management in Greece’ Issue   Annual Naftika Chronika analysis:   Posidonia Exhibition,
                            •  Smart practices for enhancing security.
 your services    2024     Greek shipowners from different segments share   The fleet of Piraeus / Athens   3-7 June 2024
                                                                                          Metropolitan Expo
                                                                 categorised by Vessel Type, Age,
                           their thoughts.
                                                                                          Athens, Greece
                                                                 Shipbuilding Country.
 to the Greek   JULY        •  EFKRANTI AWARDS                                            Efkranti Awards ceremony
                            •  ESG
                            •  Ship Finance
 and global   2024          •  Posidonia 2024 In Retrospect
 maritime industry.  AUGUST  The ‘Dry Market’ Issue              An analysis of the bulk carrier   • SMM

                                                                                           3-6 September 2024
                           The Naftika Chronika Bulk Carriers & Dry Market
                                                                                           Hamburg, Germany
                                                                 fleet managed by companies
                                                                                          • Gastech
                           reports: shipowners and managers from the global
                           shipping industry analyse dry market prospects
                                                                                           Houston, USA
                           and developments.                     in Attica                 17-20 September 2024
                           The ‘Green’ Issue
                            •  News on regulations and green developments in
                             shipping, renewable energy and R&D in marine   Survey regarding green shipping
           OCTOBER           equipment manufacturing.            based on relevant questionnaire
           2024             •  Alternative fuels in shipping: a realistic   which will be answered   Capital Link events
                                                                 by technical managers of shipping
                             approach towards zero-emissions.
                             How can ship management companies respond to   companies.
                             the increased cost of this transition?
                            •  How does a shipping company decarbonize its
                           The ‘Tanker Market’ Issue             Tanker and LNG Market
           NOVEMBER                                              developments sorted by Routes,
           2024            Oil and Gas.                          Vessel Supply, Countries
                                                                 of Interest.
                           Special Edition
           DECEMBER                                              The bulk carrier fleet    The special issue will be
           2024            Bulk Carriers: A workhorse for Greek shipping  of the Athens/Piraeus shipping   accompanied by an exhibition
                                                                                          under the same theme.
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