Page 15 - ΝΑΥΤΙΚΑ ΧΡΟΝΙΚΑ - Media Kit 2024
P. 15

Efkranti   ΜΑΙΝ                              12,000 EUROS

 Awards   SPONSOR                             • Welcome speech
                                              • Your company logo published on the pages
                                                of Naftika Chronika featuring the Efkranti Awards winners.
                                              • Your company logo on the promotional material
                                                published for the ceremony (save the date, invitations,
                                                special board, website).
 Paying tribute

 to those who ‘honour’    COCKTAIL            8,000 EUROS

 Greek shipping  RECEPTION                    • Welcome speech at the reception.

          SPONSORSHIP                         • A representative of the sponsor company will present
                                                the Commander of the Hellenic Naval Academy with
                                                a commemorative gift.
 Organised by Naftika Chronika,               • Your company logo published on the pages of Naftika
                                                Chronika featuring the Efkranti Awards winners.
 the annual Efkranti Awards                   • Your company logo on the promotional material
                                                published for the ceremony (save the date, invitations,
 are bestowed on maritime                       special board, website).

 personalities who distinguished

 themselves during the previous   AWARD       6,000 EUROS

 year in the various sectors    SPONSORSHIP   • A representative of the sponsor company will bestow

                                                the award to the winner.
 of the Greek shipping industry.              • Your company logo published on the pages of Naftika
                                                Chronika featuring the Efkranti Awards winners.
                                              • Your company logo on the promotional material
                                                published for the ceremony (save the date, invitations,
 98       Be the sponsor                        special board, website).

 15   personalities,    company of the one    • Award for social contribution to shipping
                                              • Award for international promotion of shipping
          of the following
 consecutive years  companies &  category prizes:   • Award for best manager
                                              • Aiding maritime education Award
 institutions                                 • Support of Greek entrepreneurship Award
 awarded                                      • Award for best communication strategy
                                              • Award for overall contribution to shipping
                                              • Award for contribution to technological innovation

 10  45   SELECTIVE                           2,500 EUROS

 award categories  judging commitee   SPONSORSHIP   • Your company logo published on the pages of Naftika Chronika
 members                                        featuring the Efkranti Awards winners.
                                              • Your company logo on the promotional material
                                                published for the ceremony (save the date, invitations,
                                                special board, website).

          *Plus VAT 24% / **VAT is only applied to the Greek-based companies

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