P. 82
tors and strengthens Hafnia’s position in the inter- the industrial expertise of world-class automotive
national market. The decision to pursue a dual listing manufacturers and the know-how of the number
in the United States demonstrates Hafnia’s commit- one company for automotive logistics.
ment to expanding its investor base and fostering The vehicles will be built on a new fully electric LCV
greater transparency and liquidity in its shares. By skateboard platform that will offer high modularity
listing on NYSE, Hafnia aims to tap into a broader for different body types at a competitive cost and
pool of investors, including institutional investors breakthrough on safety requirements.
and retail traders, who are seeking exposure to the By adopting the new connected electronic platform,
dynamic maritime industry. the vehicle will onboard unprecedented capabilities
“We are proud to announce the successful com- to monitor users’ delivery activity and business per-
pletion of our dual listing on the New York Stock formance, reducing global usage costs for logistics
Exchange,” said Mikael Skov, CEO of Hafnia. “This players by up to 30%.
milestone reflects our active management approach The connected services will enable customers to
and dedication to creating long-term value for our benefit from up-to-date vehicles during their whole
shareholders and enhancing our global presence. lifecycle. The van itself will offer outstanding com-
The US listing provides Hafnia with access to a pacity for urban mobility and high polyvalence for
diverse investor base and increased visibility in the tailor-made solutions with different battery capac-
world’s largest capital market”. ities, as well as the first 800V architecture on the
market for vehicles in this category.
HMM’S AMBITIOUS EXPANSION PLAN The vehicles will be produced in Renault Group’s
The plan to sell HMM may be on hold for now, but Sandouville plant, an expert in LCV manufacturing,
that doesn’t stop its ambitious plans to develop its which will recruit 550 people over the next four years.
fleet further.
South Korean news media have reported that HD HYUNDAI EXPRESSES INTEREST IN
HMM plans to increase its cargo capacity to 150 AN EQUITY STAKE IN HANWHA OCEAN
twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) from the cur- The South Korean shipbuilding industry is highly
rent 92 TEU. This expansion would be equal to the consolidated, as it mainly consists of three major
combined load capacity of 130 container ships, up players: HD KSOE, Hanwha Ocean, and Samsung
from today’s 84. In addition, its growth plan does Heavy Industries. Thus, the news that HD Hyundai,
not stop at liner shipping as the company plans HD KSOE’s parent company, is interested in acquir-
to nearly double its cargo capacity to 12.28 million ing an equity stake in Hanwha Ocean (Daewoo Ship-
deadweight tonnage (DWT) by 2030, equivalent building & Marine Engineering - DSME) has sparked
to 110 vessels, compared to the current 6.3 million particular interest.
DWT and 36 ships. In particular, South Korean news media have cited a
statement by a Hyundai official to Reuters, accord-
CMA CGM INVESTS IN ELECTRIC VANS ing to which Hyundai Heavy Industries - the HD
The CMA CGM Group has joined Flexis SAS, Hyundai Group’s shipyard - has contacted Daewoo
founded on 22 March 2024 by Renault Group and regarding the acquisition of an equity stake.
Volvo Group for the next generation of electric vans. State-funded Korea Development Bank (KDB),
CMA CGM, through PULSE, its energy fund, which owns a majority stake (55.7%) in Han-
acquired a 10% stake in Flexis SAS and has con- wha Ocean worth approximately $1.6 billion, has
firmed its interest in a strategic investment of up announced it intends to sell the stake and con-
to €120 million by 2026. solidate the country’s three biggest shipbuilders
The Volvo Group and Renault Group, each holding a - which include Samsung Heavy Industries Co Ltd.
45% stake in Flexis SAS, plan to invest respectively - into two.
€300 million over the next three years.
New expectations for electrified vans are emerg- END OF AN ERA FOR A HISTORIC
ing as professional customers are facing increasing BRITISH SHIPYARD
pressure from climate change and CO2 regulations British shipbuilding and repair company A&P has
while e-commerce and logistics are booming. The confirmed it is closing its Teesside shipyard in north-
European market for electrified vans is expected to east England but is offering jobs to its workers at
grow by 40% per year until 2030. another nearby shipyard.
To address this market, Volvo Group, Renault Group, The £100m turnover business, which specialises in
and CMA CGM Group are creating Flexis SAS to repairs and retrofits of, among others, Royal Navy
lead the decarbonisation of transport and logistics ships, has announced it is consolidating its north-
sectors. A coalition of three leading companies east operations with its South Tyneside shipyard.
with an agile start-up approach, Flexis combines