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sion pricing mechanism; ports should be allowed to   can open doors for attracting new businesses and
                             prioritise green investments where it makes the   talents to the port and port cities; effective cooper-
                             most sense in terms of emission reduction.  ation between all stakeholders is needed to attract
                             4. The level playing field both within the internal   people to the port since ports cannot do the job
                             market and vis-à-vis Europe’s neighbours must be   without the right people.
                             5. Ports are pivotal in strengthening Europe’s resil-  IRON ORE SHIPMENTS UP BY 3.8%
                             ience: They are an essential pillar of Europe’s supply  DESPITE WEAK CHINESE DEMAND
                             chain sovereignty; ports are also in favour of a more   During the start of the year, Brazilian iron ore ship-
                             harmonised approach to address foreign influence   ments typically slow down due to mining disrup-
                             in ports.                                  tions caused by heavy rainfall. However, this year,
                             6. Ports are partners in striving for a smart but   conditions were better and Vale, a leading miner,
                             safe and secure cyber environment: Digitalisation   increased output by 6% y/y, boosting shipments
                             and smart technologies are crucial tools in making   from Brazil.
                             Europe’s ports more efficient, safe, and sustainable.  In China, expectations for more robust steel produc-
                             7. Europe’s ports require 80 billion in investment   tion following the Chinese New Year led to strong
                             needs for the next ten years: Ports more than ever   iron ore prices. However, despite these expecta-
                             need access to a robust funding support instru-  tions, steel production weakened by 3.1% y/y while
                             ment, with dedicated port envelopes, to invest in   both iron ore shipments and domestic mining rose.
                             projects with high societal value but an often slow,   Consequently, iron ore inventories in Chinese ports
                             low, and risky return on investment; European fund-  increased and have now reached the highest levels
                             ing should be simple.                      since April 2022.
                             8. The EU institutional structure should be adapted   73.9% of the world’s seaborne iron ore shipments
                             to the new reality: A more integrated approach is   are bound for China as the country relies greatly on
                             needed when developing new policies, as trans-  ore imports to produce steel.
                             port, and in particular ports, cannot be discussed   “The Capesize segment greatly benefited from
                             in isolation.                              this increase in shipments, both due to the higher
                             9. Ports are a resource for the city: Their new roles   volume and the above-average sailing distances
                                                                        between Brazil and China. This helped the Baltic
                                                                        Exchange’s Capesize 5TC index to average USD
                                                                        24,286 per day, up 165.6% y/y,” says Filipe Gouveia,
                                                                        Shipping Analyst at BIMCO.
                                                                        For iron ore shipments to continue growing, Chi-
                                                                        nese steel production must recover, supported by
                                                                        either more robust domestic demand or higher
                                                                        The crisis in the domestic Chinese property sec-
                                                                        tor has, during the past years, been a drag on both
                                                                        steel demand and economic growth. Unfortunately,
                                                                        leading indicators point to even weaker demand
                                                                        during the rest of 2024. In the first quarter of 2024,
                                                                        property investment fell by 15% year-on-year, and
                                                                        the area of new property starts fell by 28.3% year-
                                                                        on-year. Steel demand from manufacturing and
                                                                        infrastructure could continue to grow, but overall
                                                                        domestic demand is expected to remain stagnant.
                                                                        Abroad, increasing demand for steel could provide
                                                                        an outlet for Chinese steel products. During the first
                                                                        quarter of 2024, exports increased by 30.7% y/y.
                                                                        “While iron ore shipments could slow down, we
                                                                        still expect them to grow 1-2% in 2024, benefiting
                                                                        from a 1.7% increase in global steel demand as fore-
                                                                        cast by the World Steel Association. This may keep
                                                                        the Capesize segment strong as the fleet is only
                                                                        expected to grow 1.4% in 2024. Any further increase
                                                                        in Brazilian mining would lead to longer distances
                                                                        and an even tighter market,” says Gouveia.

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