P. 69

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                                                                              “By 2026, we will have created a state-of-
                                                                              the-art surveillance system by employing
                                                                              drones, satellites, and artificial intelligence
                                                                              to effectively patrol the areas”.
                                                                              Greece also committed to a ban on trawling,
                                                                              which is considered particularly harmful to
                                                                              marine ecosystems. The ban will take effect
                                                                              in national marine parks as of 2026 and in all
                                                                              marine protected areas by 2030. Moreover,
                                                                              the country also pledged to reduce plastic
                                                                              waste in the sea by 50% and microplastics
                                                                              by 30% by 2030, compared to 2019.

                                                                              THE LEADING MARITIME CENTRES
                                                                              IN THE WORLD AND THE
                                                                              POSITION OF ATHENS
                                                                              According to DNV and Menon Economics’
                                                                              “The Leading Maritime Cities of the World”
                                                                              report for 2024, Singapore has maintained
                                                                              first place among the world’s most impor-
                                                                              tant maritime centres, followed by Rotter-
                                                                              dam and London.
                                                                              Shanghai and Oslo completed the top five
                                                                              maritime centres. As in its previous edi-
                                                                              tions, the report examines five pillars: Ship-
                                                                              ping Centres, Maritime Finance and Law,
                                                                              Maritime Technology, Ports and Logistics,
                                                                              and Attractiveness and Competitiveness.
                                                                              Singapore continues to feature at the top,
                                                                              taking first place in ‘Shipping Activities’,
                                                                              ‘Ports and Logistics’ and ‘Attractiveness
                                                                              and Competitiveness’.
                                                                              According to the report, while Athens is
                                                                              not among the top five shipping centres,
                                                                              it ranks second in the 'Shipping Activities'
                                                                              pillar. Despite being ranked below Singa-
                                                                              pore, Athens is the leading centre in ship
                                                                              management, which highlights that from
                                                                              2022, both shipownership and ship man-

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