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Historically, the voyage towards an environmentally sound shipping sector began
            approximately 50 years ago when the world recognised the need to protect our planet –
            the marine environment, in particular – from all sources of pollution.


            CELEBRATING 50 YEARS

            OF A SUCCESS STORY

            Speech by         Accidents at sea, especially those with heavy loss   of nasty storms, it was decided to move the WMD
            Sir Efthymios E.   of life and catastrophic pollution, always serve as a   celebration to the last Thursday of September. This
            Mitropoulos, KCMG   grim reminder of the perils of the sea and as a strong   time, the date was spot on.
            Knight Commander
            of the Order of St   catalyst for action.                   Of the disasters that followed, the “Valdez” incident
            Michael and St George,   Of such accidents, the one that went down in the   in Alaska was the most significant. From the volume-
            Secretary-General   annals of contemporary maritime history involved   of-oil-escaping-into-the-sea point of view, signifi-
            Emeritus of the IMO
            and Charmain of the   the “Exxon Valdez” supertanker. The fully laden ves-  cant were those involving the following tankers: the
            ''Maria Tsakos''   sel was stranded off the coast of Alaska in March   “Aegean Sea”, which ran aground on the coast off
            Foundation, during the   1989. Its disastrous impact on that pristine sea area   La Coruna, in December 1992; the “Braer”, which
            conference organised
            by on the   and coast prompted Congress to require ships and   also ran aground off the Shetlands in January 1993;
            occasion of World   tankers to be built with double hulls.  the “Sea Empress”, a single hull tanker stranded
            Maritime Day 2023 with   The “Exxon Valdez” disaster had been preceded by   off Milford Haven in February 1996; the “Erika”, off
            the theme “MARPOL at
            50 – Our commitment   those of the “Torrey Canyon” supertanker off the   the Western coast of France in December 1999; the
            goes on”          coast of Cornwall in March 1967 and the “Amoco   “Prestige”, which broke in two and sank off the coast
                              Cadiz” crude carrier off the coast of Brittany in   of Galicia in November 2002, and the “Castor. The
                              March 1978. Together, the three accidents resulted   latter had become an outcast since the eve of 2021
                              in the spillage of almost half a million tonnes of crude   when it suffered serious cracks on its deck while
                              oil into the sea.                         in heavy seas and fully laden condition. Fearing it
                              Allow me to make a brief remark since this confer-  would sink and cause pollution, the “Castor” was
                              ence was convened on the occasion of this year’s   not allowed to sail into several Mediterranean sea
                              celebration of World Maritime Day (WMD). On the   ports for repairs and to discharge its cargo for almost
                              very same day in March 1967, when the “Amoco   ten days, eventually prompting the IMO to adopt
                              Cadiz” ran aground off the northwest coast of   guidelines on Places of Refuge. The aftermath of the
                              France, the IMO and the entire maritime community   “Prestige” accident also contributed to that decision.
                              were celebrating the first WMD since the IMO had   There were other incidents, which, although cat-
                              decided to include such a day in its calendar. Some   astrophic in terms of their deleterious impact on
                              saw it as a bad omen. Adding to the unfortunate   the marine environment, did not receive as much
                              timing, one year later, in March 1979, the “Olympic   notoriety, especially those that had happened in the
                              Archer” tanker sank off Newfoundland’s coast at   northern hemisphere.
                              the Gulf of St. Laurence’s entrance, spilling its entire   The common thread between those disasters, and
                              crude oil cargo. Following the concerns raised by the   others of lesser significance, was the way the IMO
                              residents of the south bank of the River Thames,   and the industry responded to the weaknesses in
                              and upon realising that March in the northern   the design, construction, equipment, crewing, and
                              hemisphere, especially in the North Atlantic, is full   operation of ships – tankers in particular – which

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