P. 315

            Left             Reading through the 93-year-old article, the most   World via British ports . This British dominance,
            The British ocean   important aspects of the transatlantic passenger   represented most notably by companies like the
            liner “Queen Mary”   trade become apparent: On one side, shipping   Cunard Line and White Star Line, would not be chal-
            in the River Clyde
            in Scotland. The   companies were striving to offer luxurious con-  lenged until the turn of the century.
            photograph was   ditions for passengers onboard their vessels. On   What the 21st-century reader must comprehend
            published in the 15   the other hand, and perhaps more importantly, all   is that, up until the introduction of commercial
            April 1936 issue of
            Naftika Chronika on   stakeholders of transatlantic passenger shipping   passenger jets in the 1950s , ocean liners were the
            the occasion of the   were trying to find ways to shorten the distance   only means available to anyone wanting to cross
            vessel’s imminent   between Europe and North America.       the Atlantic. These ocean liners, apart from their
            maiden voyage.
                             During the 1930s, and with the world entering an   immense size and carrying capacity that captivated
            Right            unstable era both economically and politically, the   the general public’s imagination, symbolised each
            The German ocean   prestige of having the world’s fastest ocean liner   nation’s maritime prestige. As Naftika Chronika
            liner “Europa” as   flying your country’s flag was of immense impor-  mentions about these vessels: Nothing else embod-
            presented in the 15   tance and constituted the driving force behind   ies the maritime greatness of a country than these
            August 1931 issue of
            Naftika Chronika.  many ocean liner management companies’ decision   “floating colossi”, which traverse the oceans at diz-
                             to order the design and building of majestic “giants   zying speeds, encompassing the national prestige
            1 Naftika Chronika,   of the high seas”.                    of the most powerful nations on earth.
            Issue No 16                                                 From an early point in the history of transatlan-
            (15 August 1931),
            p. 13.           Transatlantic Passenger Shipping from the 19th   tic shipping, companies and passengers focused
            2 Timothy Hatton,   century onwards                         principally on the speed of vessels crossing the
            Time on the      The modern age of the transatlantic passenger   Atlantic. Very soon, the title of the fastest ocean
            Crossing: Emigrant
            Voyages across the   shipping era was officially inaugurated in 1838 after   liner to cross the Atlantic became a coveted status,
            Atlantic, 1853 to   the completion of the historical voyage of the "Sir-  and it was not long before the unofficial yet highly
            1913, IZA DP No.
            16274, 2023, page 1.  ius", which was the first steam-powered vessel to   sought-after distinction of the Blue Riband became
            3 Even then, safety   traverse the Atlantic. In the following decades, the   a driving force for competition in the North Atlantic.
            issues regarding   transatlantic passenger shipping sector flourished,
            passenger jets
            would prolong    being the primary facilitator of mass European   The Blue Riband
            the commercial   immigration to the North American continent. Dur-  The Blue Riband was a distinction awarded to the
            exploitation of
            ocean liners for a   ing the first few decades of steam-powered trans-  passenger ship with regular service across the
            few more years. Most   atlantic shipping, the protagonist title belongs to   Atlantic Ocean that would record the highest aver-
            consider the end of
            the ocean liner era   British liner companies. Between 1853 and 1913,   age speed during a trip. The term was originally
            to have culminated   more than 10 million UK citizens transited the Atlan-  used in horse racing and was more widely used after
            at the end of the
            1960s right before   tic towards the US or Canada, with a large number   the beginning of the 20th century. Given that ocean
            the Boeing 747’s   of European immigrants emigrating to the New   liners followed different routes, the Blue Riband
            first flights.

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