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tomorrow: the green hydrogen plant in Százha- connected to the NNGTS, amounting to 2.5 TWh,
65% of lombatta, with a 10-megawatt electrolysis unit which corresponds to almost 15.41% of domes-
LNG cargoes created by Plug Power, produces around 1,600 tic demand. Consumption from distribution net-
came to Greece tonnes of clean, carbon-neutral green hydrogen works in the first quarter of 2024 reached 4.72
from the USA. per year. The €22 million investment will reduce TWh, which increased by 0.43% compared to last
the carbon footprint of the Danube Refinery by year, covering 29.10% of total demand.
more than 25,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per Regarding the contribution of the remaining entry
year. The new technology will gradually replace points during the first quarter of 2024, Sidirokas-
the natural gas-based production process, which tro covered 43.8% of imports (7.25 TWh), record-
currently accounts for one-sixth of the MOL ing a significant increase of 113.86% compared to
Group’s total carbon dioxide emissions. The plant the first quarter of 2023. LNG continues to play a
will start producing in the second half of 2024, crucial role in gas imports. The Revithoussa LNG
and MOL will use the green hydrogen primarily terminal (Agia Triada Entry Point) remained a key
in its own network for fuel production. gateway for the country, covering about 39% of
Plug Power’s electrolysis equipment uses elec- total imports.
tricity from renewable sources to break down Additionally, in the period January-March 2024,
water into hydrogen and oxygen. This means that approximately 6.93 TWh were unloaded from 9
no polluting by-products are generated, and, in tankers compared to approximately 9.51 TWh
fact, the plant produces 8-9 tonnes of pure oxy- from 13 tankers in the corresponding period of
gen per tonne of hydrogen. The US company has the previous year. More than 65% of LNG cargoes
offered MOL an innovative and reliable technol- came from the USA, reaching 4.54 TWh, com-
ogy: the hydrogen generators, optimised for the pared to 3.98 TWh in the same period last year.
production of pure hydrogen, have almost 50 In second place were imports from Russia (1.91
years of operational experience. TWh), followed by Algeria (0.48 TWh). The Nea
Mesimvria entry point, through the TAP pipeline,
GREECE: THE RETURN OF THE covered 17.5% of imports (2.90 TWh). Finally, no
NATURAL GAS MARKET TO ITS PRE- quantities of natural gas passed through the Kipoi
CRISIS LEVEL entry point at the Greek-Turkish border.
Domestic natural gas consumption in Greece has
recorded an increase compared to last year, as MASDAR AND EGA TO EXPLORE THE
per DESFA’s data, with consumption data for the JOINT DEVELOPMENT OF RENEWABLE
first quarter signalling the return of the natural ENERGY PROJECTS
gas market to its pre-crisis level, as the impact of Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company PJSC – Mas-
the war in Ukraine has begun to recede. dar, one of the world’s largest clean energy com-
Specifically, according to DESFA’s relevant data panies, and Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA),
for the period of January – March 2024, total nat- the largest ‘premium aluminium’ producer in
ural gas demand decreased by 8.63%, reaching the world, agreed an alliance to work together
16.51 Terawatt hours (TWh) from 18.07 TWh in on aluminium decarbonisation and low-carbon
the corresponding period of last year, due to the aluminium growth opportunities.
significant decrease in exports by 94.89% to 0.29 The signing was witnessed by His Excellency
TWh from 5.68 TWh. Exports have decreased Dr Sultan Al Jaber, UAE Minister of Industry and
in the first quarter of 2024 due to Bulgaria’s Advanced Technology and Chair of Masdar. Mas-
increasing gas imports from Türkiye. On the dar and EGA will explore the joint development
contrary, a significant increase was recorded in of renewable energy projects, with potential bat-
domestic natural gas consumption by 30.91%, tery storage and green hydrogen production and
reaching 16.22 TWh from 12.39 TWh in the first storage, to support the decarbonisation of EGA’s
quarter of 2023. existing operations in the UAE and any future
In terms of natural gas consumer categories, operations in the country.
electricity production units continue to represent The two companies will also work together inter-
the largest part of total consumption, covering nationally to find opportunities through which
55.49% of domestic demand. Compared to the Masdar will support EGA to power new alumin-
previous year, demand from electricity produc- ium production facilities with renewable energy
tion units increased by 29.5%, reaching 9.00 sources.
TWh from 6.95 TWh. A significant increase of Aluminium production is energy-intensive, and
237.84%, compared to the first quarter of 2023, generating the electricity required using fossil
was recorded in natural gas consumption by fuels accounts for about 60 per cent of the global
industries and CNG refuelling stations directly aluminium industry’s greenhouse gas emissions.