P. 12

ISSN 1106-7152          CONTENTS
                  Post Office Code

                      Cover Photo
          © Sevil Azeri / iStock           Issue

                                           20               GEOPOLITICAL TENSIONS HAVE DRAMATIC IMPACTS
          Published by Gratia Publications Ι.Κ.Ε.
                                                            ON THE SAFETY AND SECURITY OF INTERNATIONAL
                      Executive Director                    SHIPPING
                          Ilias Bissias
                                                            An interview with Arsenio Dominguez
                   Editorial Advisory Board
                      Panos Zachariadis
                  Capt. George Georgoulis     26            UNITY IS A MUST
                         Charis Pappas                      An interview with Torben Carlsen
                       Managing Editor
                   Giannis Theodoropoulos   32              TECHNOLOGICAL AND REGULATORY CHANGE
                         Editorial Team                     MANDATES AGILITY & FLEXIBLE LEADERSHIP
                        Manos Charitos                      An interview with Tatiana Petalas
                       Nikoleta Kolyvari
                      Panagiotis Korakas
                        Theano Krassa      36               BLUE ECONOMY: A CATALYST FOR ELEVATING OUR
                    Commercial Manager                      CIVILISATION TO NEW HEIGHTS OF SUSTAINABLE
                        Chris Kapadais                      PROSPERITY
                     Advertising Manager                    by Leonidas Dimitriades-Eugenides
                        Demetra Tsakou

          New Business Development Executive  42            MARPOL: CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF A SUCCESS
                  Nektarios Sarantopoulos                   STORY
                Marketing Communications                    by Sir Efthymios E. Mitropoulos
                       Eleni Sakellariou

                    New Media Specialist   48               EUROPEAN SHIPOWNERS TRYING TO CHART THE
                       Spyros Vlavianos                     FUTURE OF SHIPPING
                          Photo editor                      An interview with Philippe Louis-Dreyfus
                    Maria Eirini Moschona

                      Creative Direction   54               GREEK SHIPPING HAS SHOWN REMARKABLE
                          Padu Studio                       ADAPTABILITY TO MARKET CHANGES
                             Photos                         An interview with John Platsidakis
             AΠE/MΠE/ΕΡΑ Istock, Unsplash
                 Annual subscription 100 €     58           POLISH SEAPORTS HAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN HELPING
                  Gratia Publications I.K.E.
                   132 Syggrou Ave, 117 45                  An interview with Arkadiusz Marchewka, Poland's
           Athens Τ: 210-92.22.501 / 92.48.006              Deputy Minister of Infrastructure
                        F: 210-92.22.640
                                           66               ON THE SEAFRONT             Sponsored by
           Web strategy development by ITBOX
            While every effort has been made to
          ensure the accuracy of the information   78       INTERNATIONAL WATERS
          contained in this magazine, no respon-
             sibility can be accepted for errors,
            omissions or inaccuracies. Opinions   94        THE PANAMA MARITIME AUTHORITY IS
             expressed herein are those of the
           authors and are not necessarily those            CONTINUOUSLY STRIVING TO MEET THE EVOLVING
          of Gratia Publications I.K.E. Reproduc-
            tion in whole or in part is prohibited          NEEDS OF THE MARITIME INDUSTRY
          without the prior written permission of       98  DISPELLING MYTHS ABOUT PANAMA CANAL OPERATIONS
                          the publisher.
                                           100              THE MARITIME INDUSTRY’S VISION FOR A ZERO-HARM
                                                            An interview with Andy Symonds

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