P. 12

ISSN 1106-7152          CONTENTS
                 Post Office Code
                        Cover Photo:
                     Naftika Chronika      Issue Sponsor

            Published by Gratia Publications
                              Ι.Κ.Ε.       16               SEAFARERS: THE UNSUNG HEROES
                                                            An interview with Emanuele Grimaldi
                      Executive Director
                          Ilias Bissias
                                           20               WE MUST CAPITALISE ON THE LESSONS OF THE PAST
                     Scientific Associates
                      Panos Zachariadis                     An interview with Anthony Comninos
                 Capt. George Georgoulis
                       Managing Editor     28               ΗOW THE WORLD IS BEING RESHAPED
                  Giannis Theodoropoulos                    An interview with René Kofod-Olsen
                   Special Reports Editor
                         Charis Pappas     36               DECIPHERING THE COMPLEXITIES OF THE CII
                Head of Historical Research             37  Why SEEMP and collaboration are key to getting
                     Panagiotis Korakas                     CII right
                       Research Analyst                     by Lars Robert Pedersen
                       Manos Charitos                   40  Charterers should assume their
                    Special Contributors                    responsibilities
                       Nikos Vergounis                      Panos Zachariadis’ views on the CII, as exp-
             Iason Aimilios Stremfors Fasilis
                                                            ressed in 13th Annual Capital Link Greek
                    Commercial Manager                      Shipping Forum
                        Chris Kapadais
                                                        42  We need regulations to be clear and simple for
                    Advertising Manager                     everyone
                       Demetra Tsakou
                                                            by Andrea Olivi
                Marketing Communications
                       Eleni Sakellariou
                                           44               WE NEED TO ACCELERATE EFFORTS TO MITIGATE
                          New Media                         GLOBAL WARMING
                        Ilias Stefanidis
                                                            An interview with Dr Alexandra Ebbinghaus
                      Creative Direction
                          Padu Studio
                                           46               ON THE SEAFRONT
                             Photos                                          Sponsored by
           AΠE/MΠE/ΕΡΑ Pixabay, Unsplash                                           Lorem ipsum                                                                                                                                            created by
                Annual subscription 100 €       58          MARITIME INDUSTRY BENEVOLENCE
                 Gratia Publications I.K.E.
                   132 Syggrou Ave, 117 45                                         Sponsored by
           Athens Τ: 210-92.22.501 / 92.48.006
                       F: 210-92.22.640
                   62               INTERNATIONAL WATERS
          Web strategy development by ITBOX   76            FEATURE: SMART SHIPPING
           While every effort has been made to
          ensure the accuracy of the information                           Sponsored by
          contained in this magazine, no respon-
            sibility can be accepted for errors,
            omissions or inaccuracies. Opinions         79  RESEARCH/ ZOOMING IN ON FUTURE
             expressed herein are those of the
          authors and are not necessarily those             ΤΕCHNOLOGICAL CHALLENGES
          of Gratia Publications I.K.E. Reproduc-           Presenting the views of:
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                                                        94  Antonis Georgantzis                                                                      +377 9777 4670                  +30 210 4595100                  +44 (0)20 7907 5050
                                                        98  Konstantinos Kyriakopoulos

                                           102              MARITIME TECH'S SOLUTIONS OUTSIDE THE INDUSTRY                                                           
                                                            by Paul Sells
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