UW Group recently celebrated a series of noteworthy events and initiatives that highlighted its commitment to both professional excellence and community engagement.
In the days leading up to summer, UW Group proudly announced its certification as a Great Place to Work, a recognition that underscores the company’s dedication to creating a positive and supportive workplace environment. With this certification, UW Group solidifies its reputation as one of the top employers in the maritime sector, known for fostering a culture of trust, pride, and camaraderie among its team.
In June, UW Group took part in the prestigious International Shipping Exhibition Posidonia in Athens, which ran from June 3rd to 7th. The company showcased its services and network of principals at its exhibition booth, where they welcomed partners, clients, and colleagues.
The highlight of the event was a small party hosted by UW Group, where the team made lasting memories while celebrating their shared achievements.
Beyond business, UW Group also emphasized community involvement and team spirit through participation in various activities. In May, the team joined hands for a beach cleaning initiative along Limassol’s coastline, demonstrating their commitment to environmental sustainability.
Additionally, they took part in the 3×3 basketball tournament and the Piraeus Marathon during Posidonia. These events were not just about physical fitness but about strengthening bonds within the team and contributing to the broader maritime community. Capping off the summer was UW Group’s highly anticipated annual summer party on June 28th. This year’s celebration featured a vibrant Bollywood theme, providing an unforgettable evening for the UW Group team, their colleagues, clients, and principals. The event reflected the company’s ethos of blending hard work with joyful and meaningful team experiences.
As UW Group continues to grow, these summer activities highlight the company’s dual focus on maintaining industry leadership and nurturing a workplace culture that values teamwork, community engagement, and shared success.
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