Seachef HS, one of the leading providers of integrated maritime hospitality management, is celebrating its 30-year anniversary this year. The company is using this special milestone to expand further into the Greek market and only recently opened a new office in Athens to better serve its clients in the Hellenic Republic. On 4 July, clients and business partners were invited to the Ark in Glyfada, Athens, to celebrate the company’s anniversary. Managing Director Yannis Petrakis reflected on the past three decades in front of the 150 guests:
“Thirty years ago, the Schulte Group founded Seachef Hospitality Services, embarking on a remarkable journey with a vision to create something extraordinary, something that would make a difference in the maritime world. And we achieved this by becoming the first company to introduce the concept of catering and housekeeping management for merchant vessels. Today, as I look around this beautiful venue by the sea, I am filled with pride and gratitude for how far we have come.”
Established in 1994, the company today has more than 100 clients and serves a fleet of more than 500 vessels in over 750 ports worldwide. It has a pool of more than 1,200 catering crew members from over 40 nationalities. Focusing on the day-to-day nutritional requirements of more than 40 nationalities on board and maintaining the overall hygiene over a variety of ships trading worldwide, Seachef HS is proud to have achieved a customer satisfaction rate of over 90% year on year. However, its services go far beyond catering management, stretching from menu planning and inventory management to procurement services and catering budget management.
“Our success is based on being able to create a win-win situation for ship owners and seafarers. We create value by simplifying how food is purchased, handled, and consumed without compromising quality, safety, environmental and regulatory standards. Keeping a ship’s crew happy and healthy contributes directly to the efficiency of the vessel,” explained Petrakis. “As we embark on the next chapter of our journey, we will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, to strive for excellence in everything we do, and to make a positive impact on the world around us.”
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